The journey to the reliquary! Something fishy is happening in Konoha!

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Hiruzen merely chuckled as he expected such an answer from Fugaku. The old Hokage then slid the Hokage's hat to Fugaku "because Fugaku, little Naruto recommended you for Hokage, and I have accepted you, as my new successor" Hiruzen said as he finished the last of his tobacco, it was a minute detail to the bomb that had just dropped on his head, but Fugaku noticed that Hiruzen had finished that rather quickly.

           And that's when Fugaku snapped back into reality and registered what Hiruzen had just said. The man's heart started beating really fast as adrenaline for some reason had started to seep into his system. Had he really made it? Had he truly achieved his dream? Had he finally been successful in becoming what every Uchiha dreamed of?

        As all these thoughts wracked Fugaku's brain, Hiruzen only smiled as he stood up "I shall tell the council of my decision after you get used to the thought of you being my successor, I'm sure it came as a really big shock" he said as he walked out of the room to let Fugaku collect his thoughts. On Fugaku's side, the man had gained a smile as he stared up to the ceiling, basically trying to look at the sky.

        For some reason, something had told him when he found Naruto to raise him and to take care of him. Fugaku went against everyone else's wishes in the clan and did his best to raise the boy for the year that he was at the clan, the man didn't know why, but he was sure that it would do him good.

                 'Thank you, Naruto'

            With Naruto, who was resting for a bit alongside the rest of the groups, found himself with tears coming out of his eyes 'huh, why am I crying?' He asked himself quietly, not knowing the reason for his sudden home sickness to go back to the uchiha clan.

               (In a distant future)

        A girl was laying on the ground bleed profusely while another boy patched her up.

        Ahead of them two swords men clashed as Lighting shredded the area around them, it was a sight to behold to see two people wield lightning with such finesse and power.

             This fight would soon shake the elemental Nations, for it is the victor of this battle that would make everyone fear the Unknown.


The council sat in the room, all anxious as to why they were called so soon, especially since the Uchiha clan head wasn't present at all.

The presence of Fugaku not being there had brought a question to all of their minds, what had the Uchiha done now? And why isn't the Hokage here yet? They have been there for HALF AN HOUR!!!!

Soon, the door opened, and everyone turned to see that it was the Hokage, who walked in with a smiling Uchiha clan head. At seeing the mystical unicorn of a smile, everyone in the room had their hearts drop.

If there was one thing they all knew, was that Fugaku Uchiha never smiled. And if he does? Well.....they don't know actually, that's how badly the man never smiles.

"I'm sure you're all confused as to why I asked you all here, and I am here to tell you that I have finally chosen the next Hokage" Hiruzen told them, making all of the Shinobi there, even Danzo.....especially Danzo, excited. They were hoping that Hiruzen would choose them as the Hokage.

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