Chunin exam recommendations

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No ones P.O.V.

Minato was shocked to the core , well for one the jounin sensei's brought in an S-rank rogue shinobi and asked him to take the ninja in and the ninja complied and actually wanted to do so, and his accomplice as well, but what also shocked him was that his son, the one that he abandoned because he listened to his sensei's words and gave him up when he wasn't ready , was MUCH stronger than his younger siblings.

            The potential the kid had was far greater then any if he had that kind of strength in just a few months, he couldn't imagine how strong he would be as an adult.

        But right now he has to deal with the first situation "hmmmm well, Zabuza can be put into the Anbu black ops for now since his stealth is amazing, or so I'm told by the kids-" at this Zabuza smirked, at least he's recognized "- and haku here, can join as a high ranked chu-" "actually hokage-sama, I have a request" haku said cutting the hokage off, this made Zabuza sweat, in Kiri, the Mizukage would've killed anyone who interrupts  him.

       As soon as he was about to move, Minato raised his finger just a centimeter, to anyone else it seemed like a simple gesture, but to Zabuza and Haku, it was a sign language of kiri, saying that it was fine , that they don't have to worry, Zabuza breathed a breathe of sigh, that he didn't even know he had " and what may that be?" Minato asked the kid, Haku smiled "I wish to be a medical ninja if you don't mind, I can say for myself that my medical skills are good as you see with Zabuza -sa-" he was cut off by Zabuza karate chopped him on his head "STOP IT WITH THE SAMA KID!!!, just call me Dad" he said smiling under his mask, which only Haku could see, she smiled back.

    As he was about to speak Minato spoke first with a smile "I'm sure the medical division would love to have you Haku, now everyone besides Kai may go"he said writing down a slip and giving it to an anbu as the anbu escorted the two rogue nin.

         Kai looked at him and stared as Minato sighed "I have thought about what you said , and after the chunin exams, you may take Naruto out of the village to train" he said sadly, Kai smiled and nodded "glad to see that you're finally seeing that he can be in much better hands with me" he said smiling, Minato nodded sadly as he signed a paper and gave it to Kai, whats on the paper? A signed recommendation form for the chunin exams...

                       With Naruto

      Naruto was strolling down the street hoping to get some food before he meets his sensei at the training grounds, since his sensei had something to tell him.

         Anyways Naruto was brought out of his musings by a square shaped box, he raised an unimpressed brow, he kept walking normally until he was right next to it and *POOF* "*cough* *cough* Udon , I told you we used to much powder" a kid with a helmet goggles and scarf said at a kid with glasses and snot running down his nose "konohamaru, udon, you two are idiots for this" a girl with twin pig tails said  coughing, although they looked more like pine trees cause her hair was so bushy.q

Then all three remembered what they were supposed to do and yelled out "boo!" Making Naruto even more unimpressed "oh my god, you almost gave me a heart attack" Naruto said with a robotic voice at the end, the three kids face faulted , it was clear that Naruto knew they were there.

"you're good boss! See guys I told you he was amazing !" The konohamaru said , the two nodded in agreement , udon was the first to step up "I-Im Udon, the S-Smartest kid in school" he said with a pose to the left, then the girl stepped up "I'm Moegi, The sexiest girl in school" she said striking a pose to the right, then konohamaru stepped up "and we are..." he said taking a pose in the middle of the two "THE KONOHAMARU GROUP!!" They shouted with the pose, Naruto gave them a little clap for their show.

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