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         Maki screamed and backed up into the wall as she was scared shitless while pointing a shaky finger at the now alive Naruto, who looked down in panic "Whoa , I'm totally naked" Naruto said as he looked down at his bare pelvis. Kai laughed as he grabbed his head in relief, only Naruto.

Kai got up and walked towards Naruto who looked up and smiled a smile that Kai thought he would never see again "I'm back , sensei" Naruto said as he waved at his sensei.

Kai smiled as his bandana became a little wet , the man hugged him tight, afraid that this might all be a dream "it's good to have you back you moron" Kai said happily, making Naruto laugh and hug back. Maki was still in the back shaken by what she was seeing.


      After Naruto defeated the one tailed beast, Rava, Sasuke , Hinata and Sakura were waiting for someone to come pick up the three sand siblings when a purple haired anbu operative walked through the tree line with a Dragon in toe, angered that they weren't able to catch the grey haired bastard with glasses.

       "What's crackin little bitches!i hope you all didn't miss me!!!"Ryu exclaimed , making the four genin sweatdrop at the dragon's choice of words, either Naruto showed him those words or something because that was too human.

      "By the way where's Naruto? I saw him summon dad and fight a biju, which was so cool , so I thought he would've been resting since summoning Dad takes a lot of chakra from someone" Ryu asked and explained , as he wondered where his summoner was, since Naruto was always a sneaky fuck. Seriously, he can't sense the yellow haired prick whenever he walks up on Ryu, it's like one second he's not there and then boom he's there, fucking ghost.

        Sasuke turned to the dragon , having a look of jealousy written all over his face "he left with the bigger dragon towards Konoha since he apparently had left over chakra left, how he still had any after fighting Gaara, summoning a dragon the size of a mountain, and fighting with said dragon against a Biju? No idea" Sasuke explained with an exasperated face and a dark feeling in his stomach, the three girls also looked as if the life drained out of them when they realized how much chakra Naruto actually had

Ryu nodded and was about to ask if they wanted a ride back when he felt something snap from his soul, making him recoil and scream out in pain.

     "No no no, it can't be.....he's too strong to die so quickly....Naruto......NARUTOOOO!!!" Ryu screamed as he flapped his wings ,breaking the sound barrier in the process, while also knocking everyone back a couple of feet.

"What was that about? Did he just say die and Naruto in the same sentence?? What happened to Naruto?" Rava asked as she got up worried for her friend and crush. Thoughts of Naruto being hurt filled her head and all she just wanted to know is if he was ok. In a sudden burst of speed , she was gone, leaving everyone shocked at the speed she was going, heading towards Konoha while ignoring everyone else's pleas to wait for them.

Before she knew it , she had arrived at the ruined stadium. Walking into the stadium, she saw that everyone kneeling down in respect and sadness. She was about to ask why when she saw it, it can't be right? It can't be! No! It shouldn't be!!

"Naruto?....." she whispered , her face being painted with dread as she saw Kai walking towards her, carrying Naruto's limp body in hand , with a group of people who cared for Naruto in toe.

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