Chunin Exams: first part

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No ones P.O.V.

There was blur, blowing past everybody , going from rooftop to rooftop, it's been a month since he got recommended and he's been trying to improve his arsenal in jutsu, while practicing his taijutsu and kenjutsu, also his fuinjutsu, he's in love with fuinjutsu, especially after he found out he was from a sealing blood line called the Uzumaki, a clan so strong that it took three countries just to take it down, he heard from Kai that there was another uzumaki in the village, he asked if he could see her, but he shut him down by telling him that she left the clan when she was little and doesn't know anything.

             He's been getting stronger his master gave him a few light jutsu's and a darkness jutsu , darkness is really hard to control for people, but for him, it was pretty easy considering he grew up in darkness, darkness has always been there when no one else has, so he knows how it feels and how to control it.

              Once he got to the exam site he remembered the floor number and went up, he felt a small chakra resonating around the floor sign and saw a bunch of people in that floor 'genjutsu' he thought as he went up , once he did he opened the door and his sensei appeared "I am so glad that you didn't fall for that genjutsu, I would've upped your training by ten if you would've fallen for it"  Kai said smiling, Naruto kind of shivered at that, his training was already super intense as it was, he couldn't imagine him doing it ten times worse than it was.

          "Well kid , good luck , ja ne" he said disappearing In a white flash, Naruto smiled and walked , as soon as he walked in he saw dozens of teams talking , he saw Gaara glaring at him with killing intent,  he glared back and raised his killing intent , some genin were choking while another was smiling like a sadist, that's when the door was kicked open by team kurenai, Naruto turned and ignored kiba and Hinata , he went straight to shino and greeted him.

       "Hey shino! How've you been?" He asked with a smile, the other two were kinda annoyed that Naruto was talking to their friend, but Hinata for some reason was feeling annoyed that he ignored her  "I've been good Naruto, how have you been?ready for the exam?" He asked warmly which surprised the other two, he was always kind of cold towards them, but he was being warm to Naruto?

       "I've been great Shino! And you bet I am!! I've been working on jutsu's and on my taijutsu!! And you? Are your kikaichu bugs being fed correctly?" Naruto asked while shino pulled one out that Naruto petted with his finger gently as it buzzed In delight,  the other two were surprised again, shino's  bugs never let anybody touch then, not even his clan members,  so to see Naruto pet his bugs was shocking.

         What they didn't know was that the bugs loved naruto's connection with nature, somehow they could sense that he was more intuned with nature than anybody else, not even naruto himself was aware of this, he just like that they at least liked him.

           Then another team came in, it was team Asuma, Naruto looked up and smiled at choji and Shikamaru, both of them smiled back, well a smirk from Shikamaru "Naruto! It's good to see you!" Choji greeted him happily, as did shikamaru, they indulged in a conversation where they caught up with what they've been doing for the past months, they were surprised that they fought an S-rank missing nin, and a jonin skilled nin as well, it must've been tough.

       Mid-conversation team Kakashi and team Kushina appeared , Naruto turned to them and waved Sai over to them, Sai smiled and walked towards him and they started a conversation between all of them, teams seven was shocked , sai never talked to them like that, but he talks to Naruto like he's been friends with him for a long time, Naruto had to keep himself from laughing when he heard that Sasuke and banri got their asses handed to them on a silver platter by lee, he was sure that they were dying inside.

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