Chunin exam pt.3

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No ones P.O.V.

     "Oh little sasuke , I am so glad I finally got the chance to meet you, you know, your father was always a pain in the ass , with his uchiha pride , ugh, a ten foot pole in his ass is what that is kekeke" the man on top of the snake said with an evil cackle while his tongue licked his lips, sasuke was frozen, he was scared shitless, this man was one of the Sannin, one of the most dangerous people on the planet , and he was here for him, how was he supposed to get out of this?

Sakura was no help at all either, she couldn't move a muscle , she was too scared to do anything, breathing was hard enough as it is, she didn't want to move.

Sai was actually pretty level headed, for the few years he was in the root before the fourth disbanded it had him well trained for these situations, he pulled out his drawing scroll and his ink brush and Started drawing.

" Super Beast Imitating Drawing" Sai called out his jutsu while he infused a lot of chakra to make two dragons to fight and the twin dragons attacked orochimaru who jumped off his snake and made the snake fight the lions while went down and committed what seems to be considered child abuse.....yeah that doesn't sound right but orochimaru just shrugged off and threw a fist at sai that was way to fast for the ninja artist , sai tried to dodge but even a mere punch of the slithery bastard sent him flying.

Sai went flying and slammed into a tree so hard the tree dented in sai spat out blood as he held on because him staying awake was the only way the big fucking snake was being occupied and the two scarecrows weren't doing anything at all, he needed to get up , no he HAD to get up, he can't just let them die, he watched as sasuke finally moved to attack orochimaru after orochimaru said something that made him mad and they engaged in a taijutsu battle while Sakura basically just threw kunai at him which he just batted away.

He started getting up and trying to get on his feet , splinters were shoving into his hands as he was getting out of the tree trunk , when he finally got out of the tree trunk he was bleeding from his hands and his head while he felt that a few of his back ribs were broken and his back was heavily bruised up , he was about to move when he felt a hand grab him from the shoulder and pull him back.

"Woah there pony boy, what fucked you up huh?" The mysterious person said with a mocking yet worried tone, Sai froze and looked up and saw a blonde standing there with a smile yet he had worried eyes "Naruto....." Said spoke softly as he was forced to sit down by Naruto who knelt down and started weaving some hand seals "yeah, now rest , you're in no fighting shape , light style:orb of restoration" Naruto said while raising his hand palm upwards and a ball of light appeared and Naruto let it glide into Sai who immediately felt the effects when his back ribs and hands started to feel a better bit by bit as the pain started to lessen.

"Alright stay here I'll be right back" Naruto said as he got up and tried to move but Sai grabbed his hand "no....don't.....he's *cough* *cough* too strong....." Sai managed to get out but Naruto only smiled as he patted his friend and pulled Sai's hand off him, Naruto got up turned around as he launched a kunai flare up into the sky and pulled out his sword from its sheath , Sai's eyes widened , the katana was beautiful , it had a white and black handle with a yin and Yang symbol in the middle of it with a golden habaki and a half black half white gaurd and the blade was pure silver meaning it was Chakra metal, while orochimaru was distracted beating the shit out sasuke , Naruto sped to him at high speeds......

~~(two minutes ago with sasuke)~~

After Orochimaru sent Sai flying because he was being a nuisance and was proven to be more skilled than a genin was supposed to be so he had to take him out earlier then the others so he wouldn't be a nuisance.

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