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Nobodies P.O.V.

(At the forest of death, next day)

Naruto and Kai were sparring, well more of Naruto getting his ass kicked and Kai just dodging and weaving, but it was fluid like the water, and when he struck , he struck fast and hard , Naruto couldn't get a sense of his taijutsu, his clones were getting beat like they were just walls of cardboard paper.

Kai smirked at the downed genin , he took many hits from him, and that's saying something, not even chunin and some jonin can take his hits and still stand "hmmm ,ok Naruto, it seems that you need a taijutsu style, you also need to work on your speed and strength, otherwise the only other things you need is Chakra control, elemental control and jutsus and you also need to learn what are you affinities, those are the main points, now here's is going to be our schedule for the next 3 months of tor-I mean training, Sunday's and saturdays will be fuinjutsu training and learning of politics and how the elemental countries work, Monday's Wednesday's and Friday's will be Chakra control from sun up to sun down, Tuesday's and Thursdays will be physical training and taijutsu training, this will go on for three months , I don't like d-rank missions, and since you don't need them, after that I will take you on your first mission,but the training schedule will still be going on when we are not on missions got it?" Kai explained his training methods , Naruto nodded as he paled a bit, this was going to be some rough months.

At this , since it was Monday they worked on Chakra control, Kai told Naruto that he had a chakra pool the size of a lake right now, so it will be hard to get control, but he told Naruto that he won't let him go home until he gets done, that's when Naruto whined , but instead of Kai getting mad , he smiled "You see Naruto, chakra control is very important, its how you get stronger and your jutsu's get stronger as well, now watch" as he said that, Kai walked to the nearby rock wall and put some chakra into his hand, he placed his hand on the wall, and pulled back, then he pulled back, but he also pulled back part of the wall, the he let it go , after that he walked did some hand signs and muttered something that Naruto couldn't hear, but all of sudden Kai did a slicing motion with his hand and sliced about 10 trees.

Naruto gaped at what he just saw, he thought chakra control was just so that you could mold chakra for jutsu's that's it, but Kai proved him wrong as he just did some simple things, and that justu was more of a C-rank jutsu, but the power behind it was as strong as an A-rank, he decided that chakra control was meant to be mastered, to be absolutely necessary, He wanted to do the stuff that his master did, when Kai turned to him, he could see the will of fire in his eyes, Kai smiled at seeing how he was so determined now.

For the next hours he taught Naruto the easiest chakra exercise, the leaf balancing again, but he wanted Naruto to get so good at it that he had leaves on his fingers on both hands, and his forehead , Naruto was exited and was happy, finally some formal training, they never let him train at the academy like this, always got kicked out on the important stuff, as tried to balance them, he found out it was harder than it looked, he looked up expecting and upset teacher but saw a smiling face " haha don't worry about it kid, with that amount of chakra in you, it should be hard, I should know, so just let it flow, don't be frustrated, just let it flow like water , but also like fire, wind , earth and lightning, don't hold it back, just let it flow , ok?" He said making Naruto nod.

For the 6 hours, each half an hour he got 1 more leaf on a finger, and by the end of the 6 hours he had them on on both hands and his fore head , Kai smiled, he was a prodigy!! He doesn't know why they let a prodigy like him rot like that!! Kai smiled and told him to go home and rest, Naruto nodded tiredly as he ran home, as Naruto ran away Kai's mood turned sour "why are you spying on us Anbu-San?" He said appearing behind the Anbu soldier, the Anbu's skin looked like it jumped out of his body, he jumped down to the ground where Kai landed about 3 feet ahead of him and glared at the masked man.

The Anbu sighed, he took off his mask and it revealed to be Itachi Uchiha , this surprised Kai, why would he be here? Why is he spying on them?

After a moment of silence , itachi finally spoke " I am sorry lord Kai, I was just wondering why Naruto wasn't on a team, and I asked why, they told me and I went to see for myself, I'm just taking care of a kid that means more to me as my own little brother and sister, please don't take this the wrong way" he said bowing , Kai smiled, at least someone did care about Naruto " no worries Itachi-san, I'm glad that you care about Naruto, Kid has never gotten a break, anyways I'll be going to inform the Hokage about today's development goodbye Itachi-san" he said walking away waving before vanishing, Itachi's eyes widened, he could have sweared that he saw dragon wings sprout from his back for a second there....

(Hokage Tower)

Minato and the Jonin sensei's were in the office talking about how the teams did , up till right now teams 1-6 failed , now kakashi went up " team 7, passed" he said making everyone surprised, kakashi never passed a team , ever , Minato was proud that he finally passed a team.

Then came up Kurenai "team 8, passed" she said proudly as Minato nodded , the he looked at Asuma "Team 10 ,passed" as he said that , everyone looked shocked that his first team had passed, then kushina walked up " team 11 passed" she said proudly making Minato sigh in relief, as he was about to write it down Kai jumped through the window making every one stiffen up, but only Kushina glared at him for taking her baby from her, she wanted to get him back in her family again, she was trying to reconcile for what they did wrong.

Minato looked at Kai as he stood up " hello Kai, how was the first day with Naruto?" He asked, hoping he didn't want Naruto anymore so they could get him, Kai simply smiled "you guys are sooo dumb, kids a real prodigy, the amount of chakra he has, and how dense it is, is like a hokage's, but that said, he got control of it a bit , in just six hours he got 11 leaves balancing on his fingers and his fore head" he said proudly, at that everyone in the room looked impressed , some looked envious of wanting him as a student.

Kai then whispered something into the yellow flash's ear, this made him pale , and with that Kai vanished, this made everyone look at Minato, after a moment of silence kushina finally spoke up "what did he say to you Mina-kun?" She asked worriedly, not even his fiercest enemies made him pale.

Minato look at her and dismissed the rest of the jonins spoke a word that made her pale as well
" he saw into his head for a bit, in a year, he's going to take Naruto out of the village"

Anddd done, this is one of my stories I love, and that I will be continuing this for days and putting everything else on pause, sorry about that😅

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