Chunin finals pt.4: Sasuke vs Gaara/ round 2 of finals

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"The winner of this round is Naruto Uzumaki!!!" He exclaimed as the people stood still for a little bit from the shock, then another, then another.

Feeling like he wasn't going to get Cheers, he pulled his hand down and was ready to walk away when he heard clapping , he turned around to see the head of the senju clan clapping for him, surprising many , especially Rava since her father never praised anyone.

Slowly more and more claps followed which erupted into full blown cheers when they got over their shock as they started to scream his name.

Looking around, Naruto couldn't help but tear up a little bit and smile , he looked towards his sensei who was smiling with pride and gave him a thumbs up.

To which he smiled back and raised his own thumbs up back at him, looking around again though, Naruto knew , that finally after all these years......

......he was finally recognized.


No one who was a shinobi that was worth their salt could believe it , his peers , the other rookies, even the people in the contestant box wondered how he did it.

Naruto , the dead last , a kid everyone thought was clanless, had used two of the three most prominent techniques of the Uzumaki clan, which made him a true Uzumaki, but the people who were there in the prelims knew that he had all three since he was a sensor.

Shikamaru and Shikaku's had the gears in both of their brains turning from it, if he was an actual Uzumaki, why didn't he have red hair? How did he end up an orphan? And who was his real parents?

Naruto walked back up to the Contestants box with a little tired sigh, he wasn't really tired and he really didn't need to take a soldier pill even after all that chakra used, he had a ton of chakra still left over, scratch that, for some reason, his chakra always replenished quickly, to the point that in that little end of that match where he was walking off he was able to recover about a quarter of his reserves, his sensei didn't know how he was able to do that, the dragons had a theory that the gift of nature probably had something to do with it, he still doesn't know what that even means though, but on the bright side he probably will never die of Chakra exhaustion.

As he got into the contestants box, Neji walked up to him with a smile , making Naruto think Neji was going to congratulate him for his victory against the Kumo Nin.

But he just grabbed Naruto's head as he put him under his armpit and kept him there while giving him a noogie " you worried me you cumtart!!!" He exclaimed as Naruto tried to get out of the headlock.

"AHHHH! Ok ok let go, let go!" Naruto exclaimed while laughing, Neji let go with a huff and looked to the side with an annoyed expression, still mad at Naruto for making him worry that he'd loose his friend.

          Sai walked up with a smile "you did extremely well, i knew you grew stronger but facing a pseudo tailed beast is an incredible feat" Sai praised which was rare for him ,Sai always was nice to Naruto, but he never praised him, so this was a first.

Fist bumping Sai , Naruto smiled a bright smile, then he felt a hug from someone soft, so he looked to the person that was hugging him.

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