Wave Mission: Back up

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No ones P.O.V.

It's been three months since Kai told Naruto about his training, in hose three months, Naruto's Chakra control sky rocketed, to the point where Naruto could pull water from his feet upwards, his genjutsu prowess grew as Itachi taught him a lot of them, Kai also taught him some genjustu's , His taijutsu is like his master's, calm like the sea at first, fluid motions like the water, and powerful strikes like the sea, it's called Sea storm, his fuinjutsu is amazing, he can make seals and rewrite them and make them in a blink of an eye, Kai bought him new clothes, he now has a sleeveless hoodie, vambraces that have kunai pockets like his Mentor, he has black shinobi Sandals , he has daggers on the sides of his thighs and a sword  attached to the back of his waist,  at the moment Kai and Naruto were in the training ground 44, Kai gave Naruto a piece of chakra paper because he wanted to know Naruto's Chakra Nature "what this Kai-sensei?" Naruto asked looking at the paper, he's never seen a paper quite like that , Kai just smiled at him "this is chakra paper, a paper that tells you what kind of chakra nature you have, Wind, Water, Earth, Fire , or Lightning, if it's wind, it splits in half, if it's water, it soaks, if it's Earth it turns into dust, if it's fire it burns up, if it's Lightning , it wrinkles up,  all you have to do is put some chakra into the paper ok?" he said while giving the paper to Naruto.

          Naruto nodded as he put some Chakra into the paper, the paper split into 4 pieces , one burned, one wrinkled up, one turned into a shining ball of white light and the other turned into a black ball of darkness, Naruto turned to his sensei, knowing about the first three, but the other two were weird, when he turned he saw his sensei grinning like a madman which creeped him out "w-what sensei?" He asked creeped out , Kai reached at him and ruffles his hair " you are going to be one hell of a shinobi for having three of the original nature chakra's plus light and darkness, it's amazing that you even have two but three and those two? This is just amazing" he said smiling, Naruto beamed at him and they spent the next two hours training his wind, fire, lightning, chakras, Kai said that instead of taking him on his first mission he was going to train him on this so he could get better with ninjutsu, Naruto was ok with that, Kai also said that he was going to give Naruto a jutsu for each and he is going to teach him how to control the light and darkness chakra.

        ———-time skip(2 months)———

          After two months Naruto Mastered kunai balancing and he's at level 6 of fuinjustu, he's also mastered his wind and fire, he's just one step away from lightning, all he has to do is summon lightning, but what he doesn't know is that summoning lightning, is not possible, but Kai taught him how, from him learning it in a secret chamber in the land of lightning, but Kai thought that he doesn't need to know about that, Naruto also can get at least one hit on Kai, to which impressed Kai, Not even jounin's can get in a hit, Kenjutsu made Kai proud though, Naruto could go toe to toe with him in a sword fight, and it made him proud at how he taught his student, his fighting with daggers is just like with Kunai, but better he was a master.

Naruto and Kai were sparring a bit when an Anbu appeared, but the Anbu's eyes widen to see a gennin, holding his own against an above kage level ninja, well more like he can get Kai to block, something that most jounins couldn't, finally they stopped and turned to the Anbu in complete sync which in all honesty creeped him out "Lord Kai, Naruto Uzumaki, you have been summoned by the Hokage" he said trying to keep the nervousness out of his voice, Naruto turned to Kai expectantly, Kai turned to him and nodded, now the next thing surprised the Anbu soldier, a gennin, just did an elemental Body flicker, only high jounin ranked Nin, were able to do that, the fact that he did that was incredible, he himself body flickered away.

(At the Hokage tower)

Minato was sitting there waiting for both Kai and Naruto to come through the door, but what surprised him was that both Naruto and Kai appeared in whirlwind, his eyes widened, his abandoned son, the one that everyone thought was dumb and untalented, actually did an elemental body flicker!!! He was honestly very proud.

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