Suspicious activity! The trip to the reliquary!

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     Minato tried to think as to why he always chickened out when it came to coming for Naruto. But all the came up was a blank slate, and only the figure o a man who came with Jiraiya one day.

      Minato put his head in his head in his heads in pain when he tried to remember who it was that came with Jiraiya that day "AGH!!!" Minato screamed in pain, not being able to bear with the pain, resulting in him passing out.

         "MINATO!!!" Kushina exclaimed worriedly, her heart dropping at the sight of her beloved passing out in pain from trying to remember.

         Hiruzen acted quickly and checked up on Minato, finding that that his chakra network felt like it had been tampered with severely, and that this man needed to go to the hospital as fast as Hiruzen could get him.

        So in the spurn of the moment, Hiruzen grabbed Minato, and sped towards the hospital at high speeds, with Kushina following him. Both of them had hoped that Minato would okay.


Tsunade was doing her regular runs at the hospital, thinking that this was just another normal day. But that's where she should've known it would turn for the worse, because right after she thought that, she was called in for an emergency in the trauma center. This made her curious and extremely alarmed since she was only ever called for life threatening injuries that most doctors can't help with.

Once she reached the room where the emergency patient was at, she noticed the unusual amount of security at the door, which made her wonder which high profile patient she was about to get. It kind of irked her since most of the time, high profile patients always asked for her, even if it was only for a check up.

Once she reached the front of the door, the Anbu operators opened the door for her, revealing the patient to be Minato Namikaze, the Hokage himself.

Immediately her brain went into over drive, and she was by his side in a second, giving him a check up immediately "what happened to him?" Tsunade asked Hiruzen and Kushina, who were still in the room, while she kept checking up on their leader.

Kushina and Hiruzen then began to tell Tsunade of how Minato fell unconscious, and how it was after he tried to remember something in the past that made him become comatose.

As soon as Tsunade heard the why Minato got into his small coma, her brain went into hyperdrive, making her call for one of the healers in the hospital, who also happens to be a Hyuga, she had an idea of what this is.

Kushina and Hiruzen looked at Tsunade with curious, yet worried looks, wondering why she needed someone to help her in examining Minato to begin with. She was the best healer in all of the elemental nations, so if she is calling for help, then that means this situations is serious.

Tsunade on the other hand kept examining Minato, not having that time to stop and look at them as she opened Minato'd eyelid, checking if he was reacting to the light, then she checked his reactions, which were all unresponsive. Although Tsunade did notice that his body was still functioning, like his heart was still beating, and he was still breathing, but the motor functions in his body weren't working.

It was odd for Tsunade, but fortunately for them, this only meant that he was in a coma. But from what Kushina and Hiruzen had told her, it could only mean one thing, and she could only hoped it wasn't that.

Once Tsunade was done examining Minato, she finally turned towards Kushina and Hiruzen, who both had looks of worry on them, which made  Tsunade feel a little guilty for not saying anything the whole time.

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