1 month part.2:Land of the dragons

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"Ready?" Kai asked making Naruto nod , Kai smirked knowing this will blow Naruto's mind "REVERSE SUMMONING!!!" Kai exclaimed cutting his hand and slamming it down, puff of smoke surrounded them clouding their vision, once it cleared , Naruto saw a valley, larger than Konoha itself, buildings bigger then anything he's ever seen, scaled aaacreatures both big and small flying across the sky's and walking down the roads.

"Welcome Naruto, to the land of the Dragons"


         Naruto looked around in shock , see all the magnificent and ferocious creatures,  he really hasn't been able to fly or travel the sky's be he hoped he could one day with one of them.

        Kai just smiled at his reaction, he had the same one when he accidentally reverse summoned himself when he tried to summon a toad, while seeing Minato do it with Jiraiya because he didn't know better, once he got here, he met the King and Queen of the dragons .

      They had asked him how he got there because the land of the dragons was sealed off from the world, when he told them who he was and how he got their, they knew what he was and asked him to be their summoner , to make the dragon summoners a formidable opponent to all shinobi, they had tested him to see if he was worthy by fighting a young dragon , the challenge was to get one hit in since Kai was young, and he proved himself worthy by not only getting a hit in, but knocking the young dragon out, making him the first dragon summoner.

       Kai never wanted to pass his summoning or his secrets to anyone, but seeing Naruto , he felt a kinship to him for some reason, like they've had the same life, oh how right he was, now he wants Naruto to continue his legacy, to become the next Dragon Summoner.

       Looking around Naruto noticed that many dragons were nodding to Kai and looking at him in curiosity , wondering who he was and what he was doing here.

      They walked for a solid half an Hour and ended up in a town which was huge to him , they made it three minutes before a dragon ,the size of the Hokage's tower , landed right in front of him , looking down at them with fierce orange eyes, Red scales that looked like fine armor, a wingspan of thirty feetand fifteen feet in height.

'Big ass dragon' Naruto thought in surprise, it was a really big dragon, it looked like the other dragons were kind of bowing to it?

Kai looked at the dragon as the dragon stared back , both of them stayed like that until the dragon opened its mouth "KAI!!!" He yelled in excitement, wrapping his wings around him making Kai laugh while surprising Naruto.

Looking around , every dragon was just smiling , like this was an everyday thing "it's good to see you too
Miko " Kai said while laughing at that big dragon hugging him.

The red dragon finally turned to Naruto tilting his head "is this him?" Miko asked Kai exited , who just nodded with a smile making Miko lower his head down to Naruto's height.

"Hello little one" Miko said to Naruto with a kind tone as his scales glistened across his body.

"Hello, my name is Naruto Uzumaki, and you are?" Naruto said in a polite tone while bowing out of curtesy to the big red dragon, but Miko just chuckled at the little blonde.

         "No need to be so formal Naruto, I am your sensei's bond,basically I'm his main summon, so in battle , I'll be the one to come to his aide first"Miko said with a draconic smile, surprising Naruto who didn't know what a bond was until now, Kai barley talked about the dragons.

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