Prelim finals and First part of the 1 monthj

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"Now , since Kabuto resigned, Gaara of the sand is the winner, you move on to the third round, the next match will be between Omoi of Kumo and Sai of konoha, please both fighters to the field"


           Hearing this Naruto turned to Sai with a smile and said"Good luck Sai, Kick his ass for me will ya?" While holding up a fist to him, Sai just smiled and nodded then bumped his fist and against Naruto's and jumped down to the field.

Samui and Yugito just looked at them with an indifferent look, they still didn't know what to do with Naruto, he was an enigma to them, a hidden gem of the leaf that was never mentioned in their reports about the leafs prodigies.

By the way he beat the Hyuga heiress, they would think he would've been an heir but he is still an orphan , an Uzumaki orphan at that, which made things dangerous.

"Be precarious yo, never let yo guard down yo, yo" Killer B said with his weird rhymes, Yugito turned to him annoyed while Samui and Omoi sweat dropped, Karui was in the infirmary.

"THAT DIDN'T EVEN RHYME SENSEI!!!" She yelled annoyed at him, Omoi just shook his head and dropped to the Field, while Samui held Yugito back from going all out on the cowering B.

           As both Sai and Omoi dropped to the field Omoi spoke up "I hope this finishes soon so I can get some rest, but wait what if I rest too much and sleep through the whole month and don't get any training done? But if I don't get enough I won't sleep enough, What if lose in the finals because a lack of sleep? And I going to die because of it?" Omoi over-theorized while pacing making Sai and everyone watching sweatdrop.

         Yugito got a tick mark so big, that it could be sww by others "STOP THEORIZING YOU DIMWIT AND FOCUS ON THE FIGHT!!!" She yelled out with Samui still holding her back, Killer Bee was thanking Omoi for getting her off his back.

         "Don't worry dickless, you won't reach the finals to worry about all that" Sai said with a fake smile making Naruto laugh with Sasuke chuckle a bit , thanking god it wasn't just him this time being called that.

          At this Omoi glared at Sai who just kept smiling and pulled his red Katana "oh you're getting it" he said in a threatening tone as Sai pulled out his drawing scroll and got ready.

          "Are you *cough *cough* both ready?-" cue both of them nodding "- good, now, *cough* HAJIME!" Hayate exclaimed while starting the match, at this Omoi charged , in a blur , he was already in front of Sai ready to slash at him.

       Bad thing for him was that he already drew a lion in his  drawing scroll "super beast scroll" he said as the lion came out and attacked Omoi who had to jump back to dodge two snakes the size of Sai.

Omoi felt a chill run down his spine "snakes? Really?oh come on!" The Ophidiophobe said gripping his sword harder , Why did it have to be snakes?

Sai just smirked while he pulled out his sword and attacked with the two Snakes at his side, Omoi's eyes hardened and attacked straight for Sai , Omoi striked with a horizontal strike , making Sai stop while the Snakes attacked.

Omoi smirked and parried the first snake and kicked away the second snake , as he blocked Sai's sword, Omoi was in a tough spot, three against one wasn't fun odds that he liked to have , as he was about to kick Sai, one of the snakes hit him in the rib and the bit him on his leg.

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