Chunin finals pt.5: Gaara vs Naruto/ Invasion begins.

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    Naruto and the rest of the contestants were lined up side to side while they waited for Minato
To say something.

"That was a great first round , I congratulate you all to reach this far, now , would Naruto and Gaara Please stay on the field while the rest go up to the contestants box" Minato said making Naruto groan, he just fought before Sasuke, why did they have to put him against Gaara?

He turned to Gaara who was now glaring at him dangerously and murderously, at the sight of this, Naruto sweat-dropped, he just had to get the psychopath, which left him with one question in mind.

'Why does the world hate me?'


"Now , Both of you, step up" Genma told both of them , making them step up right across from eachother, Naruto's blue eyes stared at Gaara's murderous blue-green eyes.

               Then Gaara grabbed to his head, as if he was in extreme pain as he looked down "please........don't get so mad at me......I promise you his blood will be yours" Gaara managed to say as he looked up with murderous eyes and psychotic smile.

        "Mother"His eyes were glowing a pale green , looking ready to devour Naruto,  his sand came out of the gourd and was circling around him, ready for any attack.

          'The fuck is up with him? I'm not his mother!" Naruto thought as he was certainly creeped out by this boy, He grabbed the sheathe of his sword with his left hand and then he grabbed the hilt with his right, he already knew what could hurt him thanks to Sasuke, Bastard is an asshat who is mellowing out a bit, but at least he's a smart asshat.

          "You both ready?" Genma asked them both as he raised his hand, Naruto nodded but Gaara was just starring at Naruto , ready to kill him.

          Nodding back to Naruto as curtesy, he brought down his arm "HAJIME!" Genma exclaimed as he jumped away from the field.

          As soon as he left, Gaara attacked , his sand coming in more wild than his fight with Sasuke, it came in like a giant fist, ready to strike down Naruto, ready to splatter him on the wall, Naruto's blood would satisfy his mother.

       But Naruto had other ideas, injecting Wind chakra into his right hand and Fire chakra into his left fingers he unsheathed his sword "red dragon swordsmanship: wrath's   fang" Naruto called out as his sword lit ablaze slashing through the sand as if it were nothing.

Gaara's sand retracted immediately, but something was wrong, the sand he retracted , it wasn't normal , the glass shards were spreading through the rest of the sand, so he had to discard that sand.

Glaring up, he was confused as to what happened "confused? Well I'm not surprised , this flame is different from Sasuke's , mine is made of Wind and Fire chakra's , the fire chakra catches aflame the wind chakra , which means is that if even a little bit of it gets on you, the flame will jump on the Oxygen that is on you, or whatever is on you? Yeah it'll catch on fire" Naruto explained as he got into a stance, it didn't matter if Naruto explained his jutsu, the boy uses sand , he was happy to make it turn to Glass.

Growling, Gaara turned the dust around them into sand and launched it as spikes at Naruto, who slashed through all of them as his technique was on autopilot, going through all the sand spikes like he was dancing, most in the stands marveled at his footwork, especially the swordsmen in the crowd, to have such finesse and grace at such a young age was truly a sight to see.

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