The deal between clans! The council intervenes!

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          Kai just smiled as he remembered the same reactions when Naruto told everyone at the hospital room and himself "well, when I was there, she had asked me to bring something of hers to the Uzumaki clan reliquary" Naruto explained thoroughly, making Itama's eyes widened, since he's heard of it from his grandfather.

        He had said that it was a vault basically, full of weapons, manuscripts, and Jutsu's that the Uzumaki clan had that were prized possessions. It had things that were so strong, that they could destroy a whole hidden village with just five items in the reliquary if someone were to possess them or learn them.

      Itama then stopped to think, what could Mito Uzumaki have had that would would make her ask for it to be put with the rest of the Uzumaki clan secrets?

           But then he froze, his world was frozen , his heart beat faster than a bullet "wait, you don't mean what I think you mean, right?" Itama asked nervously, since they only had one item of Mito's that could help the Senju clan sealing jutsu's advance, but no one has been able to follow the seals instruction since they always failed.

          Naruto nodded "yes, I'm afraid so, Mito Uzumaki had asked for her sealing book to be returned to the Uzumaki clan to help the future heads in their pathway to be the strongest they could be" Naruto explained, shocking everyone in the room. The book was renowned in the Senju clan to have inspired their sealing branch to become better.

            "YOU WANT WHAT?!?!!"


      Naruto stared down Itama, who glared straight at Naruto. Tsunade was off to the side with her jaw agape and her eyes popping out of her eyes, she's seen how powerful Mito Uzumaki's seals were herself.

          Kai whistled in surprise. If Naruto learned how to use Mito's seals, he would be an even bigger monster, hell, even after the training time that Kai has prepared for Naruto, he's going to be a million times stronger.

            Ryu on the other hand was......confused. He knew about the Uzumaki clan, but only that it was Naruto's clan and that Naruto was the head, but that's it.

           Itama glared at Naruto "how am I to believe that Mito Uzumaki had asked for these things? She has been dead hasn't she?" He asked sternly, not wanting to give away the sealing book, the book which has helped the Senju for generations. He does not want to give that away, now matter who it was that asked.

            Naruto smiled though as he stared at the ceiling "well, how about I describe her? Would that be fine with you?" Naruto asked, knowing that Itama would realize that Naruto would not know how she looks like because Mito had died way before he was born.

         Itama sighed as he ran his hand through his hair, his ninja instincts were telling him that the boy was telling the truth, but , he needed to make sure so he doesn't give away a clan possession.

In the ninja world, ninja instincts are what determine life from death, it is an unconscious response to events that are similar to those that they have experienced in the past. Hardened veterans like Itama himself and everyone else besides Naruto and Ryu, have learned to listen to them, and to their surprise at first, they were right.

So now, all hardened ninja veterans have learned to hone this instinct to also try and tell when someone is lying. So now, Itama is trying to use this skill to help him tell if Naruto is lying.

          Nodding, Itama asked the question of what Mito looked like. This allowed for Naruto start to tell him what Mito looked like. From the red hair in buns, all the way to the diamond on her forehead, he described her down to a T. But what really made Itama and Tsunade half tear up, was hearing how Naruto described their grandmother and grand aunt's mannerisms and ticks.
This allowed for them to smile.

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