Massive leap! A knew Hokage has be chosen!

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"Scout them out, and wait until the boy is fully alone to take him, the teacher can't always be with his student" Pein said as he walked away, but if someone would have looked closer, they would have seen him clench his fist, old memories coming back.

             Juzo only smacked his teeth "sure, as if the white haired bastard is the only one protecting that yellow haired pikachu now. Ugh this is going to be such a hassle" He said as he walked off, wondering how in the hell were they going to get past the white haired monster that he and Kisame had once seen.

        Although Kisame was excited to fight someone strong, he wasn't certain he could win against that monster. He had seen the third Raikage of all people fall to him, in a matter of minutes too, looking at his sword on his back, he steeled himself and walked towards his partner.

           This was a mission that might be the end of either of them.


Rava sat there, staring at the wall, thinking about what she heard the day before, and how it broke her heart to see someone so strong sound so broken. She had been waiting for her father outside of the hokage tower and she'd seen Naruto come out of the building looking down and walking towards a Forrest where she knows that he trains.....don't ask her how she knows.

She followed him to see if the blonde was okay, but that's when she realized that he was not. When Rava got there, he was devastating everything in sight, showing her anger and fury that she's never seen from Naruto, the boy who is usually calm and a bit goofy.

Then when Kai came around, she heard them talk about 'them', and Rava knew that they were talking about the Hokage and his wife. She was to shocked by Naruto's death that day that she almost forgot that Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki revealed by their grief that they were the birth parents of Naruto.

She thought that maybe Naruto was lost and they somehow never seen him, but turns out they had abandoned him, which rattled and broke Rava's view of Naruto's parents.

        Rava wanted to be there for Naruto, she needed to be. Her father had some sort of deal with Naruto, so that means that he could help her find a way to help him at all times. Hopefully the Chunin selection was finished and Rava hoped that she was a chunin so she could be more free to help Naruto.

So, with that in mind, she had decided to go see her father, and try and see what could be done so she can help Naruto.

       Rava had a lot on her mind at the time, so she seemingly forgot that she had kissed the boy a week prior, oh how she regretted not remembering that fact.

(Later, in the Hokage's office)

It had been about a day after the incident with Minato that had almost resulted in chaos erupting with inside the village when everyone found out. It had take a full hour to calm down the people of the village, making sure to tell them that the horde of people knew that Minato was going to be okay and that Hiruzen was going to take over until he either wakes up, or Hiruzen's finds another successor.

Hiruzen had told Naruto and Kai himself, which resulted in something that both parental figures didn't see coming.....the boy had asked if it was his fault. A lifetime of torment and everyone telling Naruto that he was the problem made Naruto think that Minato's situation was because of him.

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