Chunin Exams:prelims pt.1

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No ones P.O.V.

Naruto finally woke and recovered after five days of resting , when he woke up he groaned so hard you could swear it sounded like a donkey.

He opened his eyes to a BRIGHT beam of light, so bright that it felt like he was starring straight at the sun "the hell?" He asked as he tried to get up but found out that he wasn't able to, apparently the light was binding him as well.

He turned his head to the side and saw Kai deep in thought that it looked like nothing could disturb him, next to him was Neji and he had a worried look on his face, lady tsunade was also there but she's looked like she was cleaning up, she was came at the request of Kai for help as a favor.

"sensei?" Naruto called out, Kai looked up with his eyes widened so did Neji , Tsunade looked back shocked , in truth his chakra was exhausted , they thought he would've been disqualified but here he is , waking up,and looking completely fine.

          "Naruto! You're awake!" Kai said with a smile walking towards his student with Neji in toll , Tsunade also walked towards Naruto with curiosity since she hasn't seen anyone heal so fast so quickly, he exhausted his chakra so much that he should've died on the spot,since he wasn't waking up everyone thought that he was in a coma.

           "No sensei I'm still very much asleep" Naruto replied with a deadpan expression , At this Neji tried to hold his laugh back while tsunade laughed, Kai grew a tick mark and flicked his student's nose.

"I was trying to be caring you yellow porcupine"Kai said while having a tick mark on his face , leaving Naruto with an angry face.

"You worried us Naruto, what happened? I tried to ask Lord Kai but he only said that you fought someone and he couldn't tell me who you and Sasuke fought, supposedly it's a surprise?" He asked as he looked confused, Naruto turned to Kai with a raised brow but Kai just gave him a shrug.

Naruto nodded and began telling his story " so when I finished fighting a group of gennin, I was about to head to the tower but then I felt a massive amount of Chakra coming from a certain direction, it wasn't a genin sized chakra pool, FAR from it , it was a large sized one, when I got to it , all I saw was a man on a snake that looked part snake facing team 7 , well more like kicking their ass, but same thing, anyways I saw that Orochimaru was about to bite Sasuke, that reminded me of what Anko-nii once said , that her curse mark came from a bite of Orochimaru , so I came to the conclusion that he was going to do the same with sasuke , I helped him out but only managed to hold him off, by the way Kai-sensei, that jutsu you taught me? WHERE IN THE HELL DID YOU LEARN IT?!?! I made a SUN out of all things!!!" Naruto explained then asked as he himself didn't know what the jutsu could do , Kai just told him the hand seals and the name and told him to pump as much chakra as he could into it since it would save his life at least, he never thought he would pull it off though , just shows to show he chose the right person to learn his skills.

Anyways , Neji just looked at his friend as his jaw was on the floor and his eyes were popping out, he fought a fucking Sannin?!?! And he survived?!?! How strong is Naruto now?!?!

          Tsunade was shocked as well, she only came here cause she owed a favor to Kai , but to hear that Orochimaru himself came to the Exams as well, she'll stay at least to beat the living shit out of that scaly bastard, she was so mad just by thinking of the bastard that she punched the wall with a chakra infused fist , a gleam of intelligence seemed to be sparked in Naruto's eyes , something that Kai seemed to recognize very well, well , he hoped it's going to be a good creation of his.

Neji walked up to him high fives the blonde "well, it seems that I now have long way to catch up you, anyways the teams that passed are here now and you and the second test is over, come on , let's go before tenten kills Lee" he said with a smirl, Naruto smiled and laughed and Neji joined in, With that , he said he'll wait outside , then he left the room and waited

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