Wave Mission part.2

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No ones P.O.V.

                     (Next day)
      Naruto and Kai were busy working on Naruto's Lightning element , and team 7 and 11 were both busy with the tree climbing, some like Sakura got it down quickly and others like Sai, Rava and Megumi were good enough to get started on water walking, Banri , Sasuke and Suki were still working on it, Kushina was teaching both the teams while glancing at the way Naruto and 'the bastard' ,as she out it, went.

                Then a lightning struck, it looked cool but the other teams didn't seem to pay much attention to it, but if you hear closely you could've heard a "YATTA!!" In the middle of the forest.

           Over with Naruto , he was panting on his knees while Kai was smiling, his student finally mastered the final level of Lightning chakra control, he could finally teach his student some jutsu's and teach him how to control his light and darkness affinities, and maybe teach him his angelic sealing methods, he taught one to The fourth hokage, he's guessing that's how he sealed the Nine tails into his children, he smiled broadly at the kid .

           "Alright kid time you learn ninjustu" he said making Naruto's face brighten "but you have to first learn the physics behind this ok?" Kai asked making Naruto groan a little but nod , Kai then taught him about bloodlines and how which element is stronger against the other then he went on to which elements make the bloodlines " ok let's start with the double elements, if you put wind chakra , then another source of wind chakra you'll get sound release, if you combine fire chakra with another source of fire chakra, you get combustion release, if you combine earth chakra with another source of earth chakra you get metal release, if you combine lightning chakra with another source of lightning chakra you get magnetism release , if you combine water chakra with another source of water chakra you get what I think the strongest out of all the bloodlines, liquid release , which gives the ability to control any type of liquid, which also includes the blood in someone's body" he explained pointing at his body, that alone made Naruto shudder, he did NOT want to meet one of those, Kai turned to him and laughed.

"Don't worry kid , they don't exist, not today at least" he said making Naruto calm down , he was glad that they didn't exist " now to the simple mixed elements, fire and water make boil release, fire and earth make Lava release, those two are close to common in iwa and kiri, fire and lightning makes plasma, which you might want to stay away from , fire and wind makes poison, watch out for that one too , water and earth makes diamond release, most believe that that's wood release, but it's the other way around , anyways water and wind make Ice release , but I wouldn't worry, I think they were wiped out, water and lightning makes acid which is the enemy to earth, water and fire makes mist release or steam release if you will, watch out if someone has those, can cook you with just their steam

            Earth and water make wood release, like I said before, this is said to be the strongest bloodline that ever lived because of the first Hokage, Earth and fire makes Glass release, I've personally never seen one so your good -"cue Naruto sighing in relief"- continuing on, Earth and Lightning makes explosion release, never met one those , Earth and Wind makes Sand release, they're honestly three people I've met with Sand release, and they've all got they're own version of it but two are Kage's , anyways Lightning and fire makes Radiation release, REALLY bad for humans to have one of them around, Lightning and water makes Storm release, but there are two variants, one can control pressure the other is like shooting beams of energy out of their hands got it?" He explained more making Naruto nod " ok next one, Lightning and Earth makes Gravity Release, although I've never seen someone use it though, Lightning and Wind makes Shock Release, which doesn't sound effective but it is , trust me, and that's it, but there's also the stupid ones that have a combination of three elements, like dust release which the old grouch of the tsuchikage has, then there's Crystal release which is a pin in the ass to find out it's elements

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