Chunin Exam finals Pt.2

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Neji smiled and bowed to them as he went to the contestants box, there was a poster with the combatants names and someone moved Neji's name to the next round.

Walking in to the combatants box , Neji was congratulated by Naruto and the people around him while Suki glared at him and everyone else just ignored them.

Minato calmed down the masses and spoke up for the next round "now can I have Suki Namikaze and Rava Senju to the field" he said as both Rava and Suki glared at each other and walked to the center of the ring ,as they stood apart from each other waiting for the round to start.


"So who do you think will win this little bout?" Sai asked Naruto for his insight while Neji walked into the combatants box, Naruto gained a look that said he was thinking.

After a bit he spoke up "I don't know if I'm being truthful, from what I saw, they both use Kenjutsu, they both have a water affinity, the only difference is that Rava has her clans jutsu , which is saying something, while Suki has a bit of knowledge on sealing I think, from what I can tell from her painted fingers" he explained as he pointed at her fingers, they all looked closely and found out that he was right, her fingers were a little black from paint.

Shikamaru raised his eyebrow , when did Naruto get so perceptive? Was he always this smart? Last time he spoke to him about this type of stuff, he thought the first Hokage's name was actually Hokage.

"So that means it's fair game?" Someone said away from the group, they turned to the person that said that and found out that it was the blonde girl from Kumo that Naruto was supposed to fight.

           Naruto looked at her weird "yeah, pretty much, with neither being arrogant or cocky, which is rare since one is from a prestigious clan and the other is the princess of the village, so they both had training from Highly skilled ninja" Naruto explained in more detail to his friend and the weird Kumo girl who was now right next to him, he looked panicked and turned to his friends who were all feigning ignorance leaving him to his own.

         'Traitors!!' He thought as the blonde got about two feet away from him, he tried to scoot away but Sai leaned on the rail next to him , blocking him from moving away from his fellow blonde and gave him a fake smile which made Naruto glare at him and swore to get him back for this.

         With Suki and Rava , Both were staring each other down "you know, I always wanted to fight a Senju in a serious fight and not just a spar, I didn't know how much you were holding back on me until you fought Megumi in the prelims , you were holding back a lot , both of you were , while I was giving my best, but that's over, I trained so hard this month that my bones could fall apart, just for this fight , I won't let you win this fight" Suki said as she pulled out a scroll and unsealed a Katana with a red handle, Rava glared at her and pulled out her own Katana.

Naruto raised a brow, the prince and princess of the leaf village sure do have an inferiority complex, he swore most of the time he heard them talking was when they wanted to be better than everyone else and got mad when someone was better than them.

Anyways, Genma stepped up and asked both of them if they were ready, both girls nodded as they got into their stances, Genma nodded back and raised his hand "HAJIME!!" Genma called out as he jumped away.

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