Complications of the leafand Chunin Finals pt.1

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In an alley , you could see Sasuke leaning against the wall with blood dripping from his mouth and nose, the right part of his shirt was torn, and there were cuts and bruises everywhere as if he just fought someone stronger than him.
            On his left should, there was an opening to his shirt, on his shoulder was a mark that had three tomoe that was pulsing a violent red.......


        "LORD FOURTH!! ONE OF OUR SHINOBI WAS MURDERED!!!" one of the eternal gate gaurds Izumo burst in delivering the terrible news, this made Minato's blood run cold.

        Getting out of his seat with speeds of a kage , he appeared right in front of Izumo holding him by the shoulders "where is he?!?!" Minato ordered from him , How could this happen on his watch?!?!

          "He was found in the red light district sir" Izumo told him terrified , he had never seen the cheery go luck hokage like this, it indeed terrified him.

         Nodding, Minato flashed out of the room leaving Izumo there astounded, he was always amazed by that Justu no matter what.

      Appearing at the red light district from the seal he placed on there, he saw the anbu surrounding an alley , and one of them that had purple hair and she was holding a bloody body while crying her heart out while the other Anbu held their heads down for their fallen comrade.

        Minato sprinted towards the site and was there in a blur, kneeling down, he saw Yugao holding Hayate's body that for some reason still looked a little pink, he could hear Yugao's wailing while muttering 'no no no no no not him'  while having blood all over her.

        Noticing something, Minato noticed a ripped piece of paper in Hayate's hand, Minato then reached for the paper and grabbed both pieces, When he saw it, his eyes widened and realized that it was a stasis seal, Minato smiled at it and grabbed both Yugao and Hayate and flashed to the hospital.

       Yugao looked up and realized they were in a hospital "HOKAGE-SAMA?!" Yugao screamed in shock, why did he take them to the hospital and why was he so exited about it?!?!

         "That seal is a stasis , I gave it to him a long time ago when I heard both of both of you were dating so none of you experience what most people have experienced" he explained to her while checking everything on his body to see his status "ok bad news is that he's loosing blood, good news is that it's very slowly, bad news we need a really good surgeon, good news I have just the person, bad that's it, I'll leave him to you, I'll be back in a flash" Minato explained in even more detail as he disappeared, Yugao looked at the blank space where the kage was while she registered what he said and teared up as she hugged his body even more.

With Sasuke, you could see him in the hospital with the mark on his shoulder and the people around him with worried looks on their faces.

Fugaku and Mikoto were there with Mikoto having tears in her eyes and Fugaku with an indifferent face, Mikoto wanted to slap fugaku for acting so cold but she knew that it wouldn't do anything to help with the situation, even then, Fugaku only came probably because his favorite one of the twins didn't get to the finals and Sasuke did.

Outside the hospital room though was Itachi talking with Tsunade about what may have happened to Sasuke and about his condition.

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