The shockwaves of the battle! A new training commences!

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  'SSSHHHIIIITTTTT!!!!!'  Juzo thought as he sensed something behind him and turned his sword to block the slash of Naruto's that came from where the sword flew towards, making the man wonder how the hell did the brat appear behind him.

        Something was wrong though, since the force that Naruto put behind his blade felt way to strong for it to be normal. The slash ended up sending the man flying across the field, breaking his good arm in the process, although, Juzo did manages to land a hit on Naruto's head before being sent flying, hoping that it would slow the brat down.

     As he landed on his feet, Juzo growled and he grabbed his left over sword with his mouth and was ready for anything.

             He wasn't ready for anything because he felt like a cannon ball hit his stomach, forcing the man to drop his sword, sending him flying again as he spit out blood.

               Shakily, Juzo was able to get up again and glared at the his attacker which he realized that it was the Hyuga that attacked him,  forcing him to grit his teeth, WHY WON'T THESE BRATS JUST DIE?!??

       But Juzo had not time for freaking out, as he realized that he had to escape, he had underestimated the brats and now he was down one arm and had the other crippled while also, maybe, no, definitely had his liver, kidneys, and pancreas all damaged by that Hyuga brat.

          Before he could do anything though, wood tentacles wrapped around his stomach and arms, holding him in place. Juzo looked towards the only suspect as he stared at the Senju girl, who was holding up a hand seal, making him realize that she wasn't dead yet, heavily injured yes, but not dead.

       Suddenly, Juzo felt dread, he felt as if he was trapped inside a mouse trap ready to be killed by a giant. He wriggled around the roots and found that they were quite weak, making him smirk in joy while he started to fight against them faster.

            Before he could escape though, golden chains wrapped around him before he realized it, forcing him to look towards the owner of the chains in horror. The blonde brat landed on top of him and had his chains wrapped around his own waist, which wrapped Naruto to Juzo's chest as he grabbed Juzo's head with a tight grip.

        The brat seemed to have gone crazy because his eyes were looking at him with a sadistic glee and a creepily wide smirk to add with it "HAHAHAHA!!!!the only one that is going to die here....IS YOU FUCKING COCK SUCK!!!!" Naruto exclaimed as black scales grew on from his neck all the way to his cheeks and on his forehead while his eyes went from normal ocean blue to slitted golden ones as he spoke.

         Naruto then raised his arms high as he used his chains and legs to hold on to Juzo's chest "DIVINE......" Naruto said with a creepy smirk as he called towards the skies for help, who happily answered his call as they started to charge up a lightning bolt, filling Juzo with dread.

       "No.... No no no no no! NOOOOO!!!" Juzo called out as he tried to get out from the bonds that were covering him, hoping that he could break free and be able to escape, live, survive.

          He couldn't though because Naruto pressed hands onto Juzo's bloodied face "JUDGEMENT!!!!!!!" He screamed in Juzo's face as the lightning bolt that dwarfed the Hokage's tower was brought down upon Juzo, erasing the once great shinobi out of existence.


          "JUDGEMENT!!!" Was all Neji and Rava heard before they saw the skies roar with power as they answered the call of their friend. And then in the next second, they watched as the heavens cast down their judgement upon the foolish sinner who dared attack their blessed one.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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