Invasion Pt.2

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  "OROCHIMARU!!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!?!" Hiruzen screamed at his former student who just smirked as they all recognized the five figures , Hashirama the first Hokage, Tobirama the second Hokage, the shadow lady Mito Uzumaki, Rasa the fourth Kazekage, and A the third Raikage.

          At this sight, they all knew, that they would be in for the fight of their lives, they just hoped they could walk away with their lives.

             Konoha was in peril , a battle raging in the middle of the stadium, while Four Genin's flew to stop a Rampaging Jinchuriki  , and now a fight between the strongest people in the continent was about to commence, will Konoha prevail? Or will they fall to their enemies?


"Well ,looks like they're not getting too far away from the village" Rava commented as she saw them running but not to fast to where the group could catch them, she still couldn't believe they were flying , it would've been amazing, but.....there was an invasion going on.

Naruto turned to look to where she was indicating and saw that they were heading away from konoha but not to far for some reason.

         He told Ryu to go down so they could stop them from going any further with their plan , they saw that Gaara was turning more and more into a monster.

Temari thought that they were going good, she saw that Gaara was looking more and more like the one tailed beast from her memories when it was sealed into Gaara.

Granted she was only a year old, but it was still engrained into her head, the power that was felt throughout the village, the fear they all felt, the same as that night.

As they were heading towards the location they designated in the Forrest , they stumbled upon a clearing , now , Temari didn't think it was important , by far it wasn't, no, what was TRULY important was the twelve foot dragon who had just landed in front of them on its hind legs, with a twenty four foot wingspan, along with the three genin who were in the finals and a random girl with dark lilac hair, plus the girl with pink hair from the second exam who was being held bridal style by the black dragon.

Growling , Kankuro grabbed the puppet on his back and temari grabbed her fan, they weren't ready to battle yet, Gaara was still turning and they couldn't afford a chance for his transformation to be held back.

"Give up, you're outnumbered" Naruto said with tone that gave them chills, unsheathing his sword and pointing it at them , behind him , you could see Ryu stabilizing Sakura before shrinking down since his power and speed is lowered when he grows.

Temari and Kankuro glared at them, they had no choice but to fight, they needed to get Gaara to a safe place before he fully turned into his Biju form.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha~ that was really chilling Naruto-kun ~" a chilling laugh rang out , making them all turn to the origin of the laugh.

Coming out of the tree line was a young man in his late teens , with white/grayish hair, glasses , and a tan suit , kind of like Sasuke's but with a wrap around his abdomen.

There was a man that came with him, he had a jonin vest from Suna, they could see that his head was wrapped with his right side of his face with red markings and the left side of his face covered with a flap.

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