Chunin Exams:part 2

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                 No ones P.O.V.

Naruto was standing next to all the genin teams, he was waiting in the group with the rest of the examinees, he had to say there was even more villages then he thought would be here, Guess the fourth Hokage was actually doing his job.

He was listening to Anko talk about how they would need the other scroll to pass the test , and then she passed out forms that basically say that if they get killed it's not konoha's fault and they wouldn't be responsible for the outcome of the death.

He saw Menma not paying attention and felt a little sorry for him, Anko was going to make him her bitch in 3.....2.....1...... "Ah!" He heard Menma exclaim in surprise and pain as he saw Anko appear behind him and lick off the blood off Menmas face making him blush and turn blue , Anko always found ways to creep him out, no matter how it was , she found a way.

"It seems that this little gaki isn't paying attention, in this like of work gaki if you get distracted, you die , ya hear?" She asked with a sadist smile on her face, you see if it was one thing that Naruto ever knew about Anko , is that when the sadist grin appears run the other way.

         "Proctor , your kunai" someone said behind Anko which made her spin around with another kunai at the Kusa shinobi's throat , this made everyone jump, it was fast, only some of them saw her move, jonin indeed.

       "Don't sneak up on people who can kill you in a second gaki" she said with killer intent , but the kusa shinobi just smiled and nodded as she handed Anko the kunai and walked back to her team.

     Anko turned around and told everyone to line up and get their scrolls for the rest.

          Naruto kept note of everyone and their scrolls in his mind, especially the Kumo and Iwa teams that have been glaring at him for some reason, guess it was the blonde hair , he's started to notice that he looks like the fourth,he should ask his sensei why and if he knew who his parents were, and if they were related to the fourth, he saw that the Kumo team got a heaven scroll and went off to their starting spot, and he saw that the Iwa team got the Earth scroll, he hoped he got the Heaven scroll, the Kumo team seemed to be the stronger one of the two.

        Anyways he came up and grabbed a heaven scroll , perfect, now all he has to do is wait for the iwa team to come to him, he'll have to prepare , Lightning jutsu's we're perfect for this, he was glad he got it as an affinity, it was times like these he was thankful to have been chosen to be his sensei's student.

        He turned around and caught a putrid smell of pure snakes, it was  so disgusting that it almost made him puke, he turned to see that the Kusa shinobi just passed him.

      Alarmed by this Naruto quickly walked on his way to his starting spot .

         "Alright Gaki's GO!!!" Anko screamed and all the participants went even Naruto who made a clone once he was in the trees and gave a note to him, the Clone nodded and transformed into a bee and speed off.

        Naruto nodded and smirked 'time to have some fun!' He thought as he made dozens of clones and made them turn into stones , grass , branches, leaves , anything little really.

          He grinned Evily as he sat down and meditated , he kept feeling a pull of a different type of chakra that came from everywhere and everything , he wanted to pull at it, but he knew he couldn't do it here , so he stayed put and focused on simulations in his head, he had a lot of planning to while he waited.

                          With Anko

       Anko was waiting looking around wondering what she should do now that she doesn't have anything to do , that's when a bee started bothering her, she tried to swat it away twice , then three times, then she went and tried to swat it a million times, but in the end she couldn't.

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