Chunin finals pt.3: Uzumaki vs Jinchuriki

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"Yes, the Nara clan are a lazy bunch , they don't do well in places they know they would fail, mostly because they give up on the task the first chance they get" the "kazekage" said as waited for his sons fight and the blonde brats son, he saw the blonde brat show something that he didn't show him in the Forrest of death, he's trying to see what the boy held back on him.

        "that was.... A fun match...yeah let's call it that, anyways , since Uchiha Sasuke is not here, may I get Naruto Uzumaki and Yugito Nii to the field please."Minato said while addressing the Masses, with Naruto he smirked and turned back.

        "I'll win alright? I won't loose-" Que him leaping off the rail and headed towards the floor "- YA KNOWWW!!!!" Naruto exclaimed  loudly ready to fight.


         Looking at the blonde, Minato saw himself in the boy, his son has his mothers tenacity and his talent , Banri just has the Tenacity and Suki only had the talent, so looking at the boy in question , it was hard not to be proud, but that was the problem wasn't it? He wasn't allowed to be proud of Naruto, he abandoned him , left him to fend for himself and didn't help him at all, even when his own kids bullied him, Minato did nothing in fear of having his other kids hate him, he was truly sorry, but he knew that he couldn't amend what has happened.

         "Raikage-sama, that's the boy that recreated your technique without seeing it" Darui told the Raikage who nodded back at him, looking straight at the blonde from Konoha, he intrigued A immensely, a rookie genin managed to recreate his jutsu all on his own? He didn't believe it, he had to see it for himself.

          The Raikage turned and looked straight at Kai, who was speaking with Tsunade "aye , Hyuga brat, did you teach that brat how to recreate my technique?" He asked in a rude tone making Darui slap his palm to his face and C just plain out laughed.

         Everyone sweat dropped at him but were also curious as well , they all  had heard of the blonde Uzumaki's bastardization of the Raikage's technique , they also wanted to know if Kai had told Naruto of A's technique beforehand.

         Kai turned to him, not even a little bit annoyed that he was called a Hyuga , matter of fact, he looked really proud and ready to talk, which was a surprise to all, the only one that knew why was Tsunade and Jiraiya , that's the same look they got when talking about their star pupil.

           "Actually, I never told him anything about you, he figured it out by himself, he thought if you can infuse chakra into your body , then why not elemental chakra? , lightning has been his only successful chakra cloak considering his high affinity with it" Kai explained making everyone's jaw drop , that young genin thought of such a complicated theory? Not even most fully grown jonin have that much insight, even amongst the smartest of the villages.

Landing on the field , Yugito glared at Naruto, he's going to win? As if, she wasn't cocky by any means, but a normal person with no bloodlines against someone with a Biju? Sounds ridiculous.

"Don't underestimate the Uzumaki kitten, I have see through other containers what that clan is capable of, their village took a combined effort of three villages to defeat them, their strength was amazing, but it's their sealing that made them insanely powerful, if this blonde kid is a true Uzumaki and knows how to seal even a quarter of what of that village was capable of, we are in big trouble" The gigantic cat insider her seal warned her, which put her on edge, were the Uzumaki that strong? Enough to warrant a biju's warning?

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