Chunin exams: prelims pt.2

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  No ones P.O.V.

               Samui and Tenten stood across from each other , one looking at the other with an emotionless gaze while the other looked at their opponent with a calculating gaze, both had hands on their weapons, tenten had a staff that she unsealed from a scroll, and Samui had her hand on her katana.

        Kiba was drooling at the girl , he wished that he was together with the girl, she was a total babe!!

          Choji , Banri, and even SHINO were blushing at the sight of the girl that was ten times hotter than any girls their age.

         Naruto on the other hand was looking at the girl with a intense look , to others it looked like he was checking her out , because of that , Samui's teammates looked at Naruto with a disgusted look "pervert" the one with red hair said as she shook her head, The boy with white hair just shrugged, she had big breasts, every guy had urges, Yugito sighed, he looked like a good guy , was a good fighter , AND he was cute?!?! also since no other guy in Kumo would go for her for being a jinchuriki , she thought he could be a chance, guess not.

         Kai and Neji on the other hand knew that look, Naruto told him about it before, it was a glare , but from years of getting hit for glaring back at people , Naruto developed a glare that seemed unnoticeable to the normal person who didn't know Naruto as well as them two, and Kai knew why he was glaring so intently at her, or more specifically at the Kumo forehead protector.


        Kai placed a hand on Naruto's shoulder "calm down Naruto, she's innocent , she wasn't there that day, She wasn't at Uzushiogakure" Kai said sternly , making Naruto relax a bit and calm down, everyone's eyes turned to him , everyone that knew about Uzuoshio had their eyes widened, the konoha shinobi had forgotten that Naruto was an Uzumaki , guess Uzushio was a sore spot for him, the kumo shinobi's eyes fell solemn thinking they judged him to fast , since it was their village that had a hand in destroying his ancestors.

Minato looked at Naruto with solemn eyes, apparently Naruto knows he's an Uzumaki, even to Kushina, talking about Uzuoshio was a sore spot, so they never talked about it, even to the kids.

           "I know , I know....." Naruto said sighing while looking back at the match that was about to begin, Naruto just kept watching ignoring the looks he got from his fellow konoha shinobi and Kumo.

       "Kakashi-sensei? Who is Uzuoshio and why is Naruto-Baka mad about it?"Sakura asked , asking the question most Genin were wondering about, Even Banri and Suki who were never told about their home village.

Kakashi turned to her and sighed, of course HE'D be the one to answer that " Uzushiogakure , was a ninja village that was allied to Konoha, but was Destroyed in the second ninja war by Iwa , Kumo, and Kiri,because of how strong the village was, their sealing arts were so advanced that it threatened all three of those villages , even if it took three villages to take them down, it wasn't a one way fight , out of the three thousand ninja battalions that each of them sent , only about two hundred returned to each village, Konoha didn't even hear about the invasion until it was too late, but with that said, it was also home to the Uzumaki clan, matter of fact, all the shinobi and villagers in Uzuoshio were Uzumaki" he said finishing his explanation making Banri and Suki frown since their mother never told them anything.

Anyways back at the fight, Hayate stood between the two fighters "both fighters ready?" He asked before erupting into a coughing fit, they both nodded and then got into their stances as Samui drew her katana, Hayate nodded and raised his hand "well then, HAJIME!" He exclaimed while jumping back.

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