The council meeting! A massive secret revealed!

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(Warning to all, I love all of your support and love for my stories, but I'm tired of being rushed because it is killing my writing spirit, so if any of you try to hurry me any more times, I will stop writing, y'all get one warning, and this is it)


"That's good! I'm glad you're up am at em, remember to train hard on your seals as well. I still need you to teach my clan how to seal" Itama said as he ruffled Naruto's head, who only laughed innocently and nodded, since he didn't know about anything about politics.

        But others knew what he was doing. He had basically said that the boy has the Senju clan's backing, and anyone who dares go against Naruto, will face them as well.

       Now, there was two reactions. One was shocked looks and others were angry looks. The angry looks mainly came from the three civilian council members who hated Naruto, and Danzo, who realized that getting Naruto as well was a no go, so he'll just have to settle for the reliquary.

         Minato looked at the scene with a face of remorse and surprise. Itama Senju was always ruthless and never took any part in any political debate that they had had in the past, so seeing him like this is a surprise.

      Anyways, Minato got everyone attentions by tapping the table , making it loud enough for everyone to hear.

"okay, since everyone is here, let's get the council meeting to discuss the deal that the Senju clan had made with young Naruto."


"So, Senju-dono, what kind of deal have you made with this boy" a council woman said making everyone else nod to the question. Naruto ignored the disdain and looked around, coming to find that most of the civilian council looked like the vendors of each store that hated Naruto, or powerful merchants.

The jonin council was made up of the clan heads of all the ninja clans of Konoha. Shikaku Nara, inoichi yamanaka, Chozu Akamichi, Hiashi Hyuga, and Fugaku Uchiha. And since Shikaku was the head of the Nara clan and the jonin commander, an extra seat besides Itama's empty one since he was standing, was allowed for Kushina Uzumaki for her Ninja prowess.

The lady herself had sand blonde hair and some sort of triangle like bang going down the bridge of her nose, although as to why she hated him? Probably the missing Tailed beast that was supposedly sealed Inside him.

On her side though, The lady's eyes were full of hatred for the boy, and the man that was his mentor, especially the boy's mentor. She didn't mind that the boy had the demon fox, but he was that bastards student, and her hatred for him was so deep it branched out to Naruto as well.

Itama looked towards the lady who spit out poison with a look that basically said she should not have said that, and then towards Naruto, basically asking him if he can reveal Naruto's true status. To which Naruto smiled and nodded, feeling that this matter would drag on if they didn't know.

"well lady Haruno, before I reveal it, I have something to ask the council first" he spoke with a smile and his eyes close, but this is only served to make everyone's nerves stand up, since the man rarely smiled.

Just then he opened his eyes and the council was greeted to a steely look that the civilian council recoiled back a bit since they were used to standing their ground against their joinin counter parts. The jonin council just raised an eyebrow in confusion , while the elders scoffed at the man and Minato wondered why he was so mad.

"Why is the Council intervening in business between to clan heads? Isn't their a law that business between clans can only stay within the clans" Itama asked in a deadly calm voice. Now this confused all of them, since why was he so hostile for a simple matter? Deals between clans and individuals was always supposed to be supervised by the council. But the look on his eyes and the sound of the man's voice still brought out chills to even the veteran soldiers. None of them were able to put the pieces together since they didn't have the full information.

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