Wave mission part 3: the fight

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No ones P.O.V.

As Naruto and his sensei were training a bit in the forest since it was the other teams turn patrol and protect, they felt a chakra spike and more then a dozen chakra signatures around the bridge, so the ghost of the Hyuga and Naruto dashed over there as fast as they can, but Kai told Naruto to go ahead he was going to check on the house , Naruto nodded as they went separate ways.

   -tsunami's house-

       When Kai arrived he saw tsunami on the floor with her clothes getting ripped apart by a thug and the kid screaming for help while he was being held down, he remembered something and before anyone can take another action, one of the thugs was stuck to a tree with a kunai lodged so far into his skull that it was holding him up while the other , from the looks of it, had a chunk of his chest burned through, and a kunai that was shining bright white light , the kunai went back to Kai and he caught it.

       "Are you both ok?" He asked with a kind voice, they both looked at him with a Tears in their eyes, they were amazed, it all happened before they could blink , but before any of them could react , Kai blushed and put a hand over his eyes, even though they were covered, he wanted his hand there for reassurance "umm mam, please change" he said still blushing, tsunami looked at herself and realized she was almost naked.



         After tsunami slapped Kai and changed, they told him what happened and what they said , he nodded while being disgusted , he was about to talk but he then felt a pull on his chakra and knew that Naruto was in trouble, so in an instant he vanished in a white light.

-With Naruto 10 minutes ago-

Naruto ran straight for the bridge when he and Kai split, with the speeds of a high chunin, he was there in minutes, when he got there, he saw everyone fighting.

Kushina was fighting Zabuza , while the genin had trouble with the hunter nin, well not more of trouble, more of they're getting their ass handed to them, Rava had senbons all over her, suki and Sasuke were knocked out, Banri and Megumi were trying their best to fight him and sakura was protecting the bridge builder , to Naruto both Banri and Megumi seemed to have red eyes, but he saw the difference, one was red with tomoe's and the other made Naruto shiver a little , because he could also feel the chakra.

'Kyubi' He thought angered, he finally realized that all that pain he suffered cause people thought he was the demon fox, BUT HE NEVER HAD THE DEMON FOX, it was always him, but he also felt half , so he knew that the other twin must half the other half.

But right now wasn't the time , he ran and did a couple of handsigns
"Lightning style:lightning streak" he said as a streak of lightning came out of his hand, the hunter nin barley dodged as the streak passed by his head, although it hit his mask off, something in banri's eyes made naruto realize that he recognized him, Naruto landed and put a seal on Banri's forehead making him pass out surprising Megumi and sakura .

Sakura looked at him like she was was going to yell at him ,asking him what he did, and Megumi was just going to ask but  Naruto pulled his sword out and got into a stance as the hunter nin pulled out senbons making them shut up "mam , please stand down, I do not like to hit ladies" he said , making the hunter nin gain a tik mark "IM A BOY!!" He yelled out , Naruto went red, not from embarrassment no no, he's red from anger "LIKE HELL YOU ARE!!! THAT FACE DOES NOT BELONG TO A BOY!!!!" He yelled , this angered the nin again, but he calmed down keeping his composure, he looked at naruto "you seem quite competent, I am haku , and may I ask who you are?" He said , while Naruto sighed, he didn't like how the conversation didn't go his way.

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