The battle that shook the world

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"Anyways, back to the main topic, so what did you find in there?" Kai asked curiously while tilting his head. As a kid, Kai has always heard stories of the Mysterious Uzumaki clan reliquary and it's possibly extremely powerful relics and technique that it held of the past heads.

         It was said, that if one were to attain at least a single percent of the secrets, that they would have the potential to be one of the strongest people on the continent.

      Naruto smiled kindly while looking back at his family's treasure one more time before turning around "I found....a lot, but right now, I have a lot to take in and I am extremely tired, can I take a quick nap?" Naruto asked warily, making his three companions realize how worn out Naruto seemed, which was probably from all the information he just took in.

          Night came an hour later and Naruto was passed out on the ground while Kai was staring a fire and Neji and Rava were setting up their own beds.  They were all curious as to what Naruto had found, but they didn't come for that, they came for him, so they didn't want to push Naruto to tell them.


         As they slept, in another place, close to the wave country, two figures seemed to be walking towards a familiar direction.

       "Are you sure this is the way Kisame? It's all misty" Juzo complained as he rolled his shoulder, something about that fight with that Asuma guy kept making him ache all over.

      The shark man himself turned towards him with an annoyed expression "of course this is the right was you imbecile, our source in Konoha says that the container was headed towards the Wave country, more specifically that they might go to a house close to the border of wave, so that's where we start" Kisame replied as he glared at the note in his hand, that bastard always gave him the creeps when they always met.

          "Yeah yeah, no need to be smug" Juzo grumbled, annoyed as he walked with his hands crossed. It wasn't just Kisame that annoyed him, it was also this nagging feeling, like the world was telling him to turn back or else he'll never come back from this.


        "So you're telling me that, the Uzumaki clan, an extremely powerful clan, hasn't had a family head of the originals direct descendent since it's founder?" Neji asked in confusion and bafflement, since the Hyuga household only had direct descendants as head of the household for centuries. Kai and Rava nodded too, since both were from clans that were like that too.

         Five minutes ago, Naruto had shown them the handle that is able to turn into a sword, and how he was the only one to wield it in probably two to three centuries, maybe more.

        Naruto laughed " Haha, yeah. Apparently when the first Uzumaki died, his son was too young to lead the clan, so they named a new leader to take his place until he was of age. But as you know people and their greed, said leader basically did everything in his power to keep that power, if you catch what I'm getting at" he explained thoroughly, making them all understand that it wasn't a matter of incompetence, but more of a matter of one's greed.

Kai smiled and ruffled Naruto's hair "Every time I forget it, you always remind me that you're special you little shit" he laughed out, making Naruto try and swat Kai's arm away while pouting, why was his teacher always an asshole sometimes.......well at least he was a kind asshole.

Rava inspected the blade handle as if mesmerized by it's structure "so what does it do? Does a chakra blade come out like Aunt Tsunade's chakra scalpel? Or is it just like a symbol for something?" She asked while still inspecting the blade handle, how does this thing work? Is it just a symbol for clan heads? Or does it do things to?

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