The secrets of the Uzumaki clan! The change in the Uchiha's!

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"The blade of the first Uzumaki, The sword that can travel through time and space, Nejire" Naruto read out as he approached the pedestal, the blade itself feeling as if it were excited to be held, to be swung again, to be used by a master swordsman.

As soon as he got too close, the blade handle started to shake before it disappeared into thin air, and as soon as it happened, Naruto felt a certain weight in his hand. Looking down, Naruto realized that the blade handle was now in his hand, but only now, it wasn't just a regular handle, it was an actual Jian sword, a beautiful shining silver sword that was three feet long two and a half inches think.

"Beautiful...." Naruto whispered out as he stared at the bleak, yet extremely beautiful sword. It had no jewels, not fancy designs, yet it probably looked more beautiful than those fancy swords that Shinobi's be showing around proudly.

The sword hummed in acceptance to Naruto and his praise, glowing a shining silver as soon as Naruto injected a bit of chakra into it, the sword humming with power. Wondering what the plaque meant by it being able to travel through space and time, Naruto muttered an apology before grabbing the sword like a spear and launching it towards the other end of the library.

Immediately, Naruto felt a tug on his vision, and then he could see the shape of Nejire in front of him, looking as if it was flying. Confused, Naruto reached out to grab the sword, and was extremely surprised when the sword manifested itself in his hand.

"So that's what it meant" Naruto mumbled in amazement, holding up the sword to admire it beautifully. He only wished it could go back to its handle form, it would be so much easier to carry around than a normal sword.

As soon as the thought crossed his mind, the sword became a handle again, surprising Naruto again and impressing him even more. Oh he's going to need a custom made holster for this beautiful thing of a sword.

"Alright, time to get to reading" Naruto said out loud as he approached the first golden book, ready to unload the secrets of the Uzumaki clan.


       Golden, that's one word Naruto would describe the book he held. There were two others like it, both having slash marks and scorch marks around the stand that they were in, giving the impression that the previous heads before him had tried and failed to retrieve said books, or tried to burn them when they failed.

        Grabbing one of the three books and opening it, Naruto realized that these were books of seals. It read that this was the seal book that belonged to the founder of the Uzumaki clan, the man that was compared to the Sage of six paths in terms of skill when it came to sealing.
A weird feeling was felt from his head, as if his brain had made a folder for all this information that he is receiving from this seal book. As Naruto read the book, it was as if he could understand them, as if the memories of how to make the seals were engraved into Naruto's brain.

           'Is this because I can wield Nejire?' He thought while scratching his head, it felt as if he had an itch in his brain that he couldn't quite get, and it was starting to get irritating.

          Having somehow memorized the entire book, Naruto picked up the second golden book. While he read the it, Naruto realized that this book of seals had the intent of protection instead of destroying. There were healing seals, shield seals, and spacial distortion seals that can take people away from the their current location, Naruto wondered if these would've helped during the invasion of the Uzumaki clan.

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