Inavsion part.3 : whats behind the bandana?

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With Naruto , he entered the portal just in time for a golden chain trying to reach Lady tsunade, who was being held back by Ice?

        'No time to think about this'Naruto thought as he sent one of his owns chains to intercept, not knowing if he was going to make it or not.

           Will Naruto make it? Or will he fail? Will He be able to stand with the greatest shinobi's of all time? Or will he be killed in the attempt? It will be a fight of the lifetime.


            They were all frozen, none of the people that were on the rooftop could speak , they couldn't believe Orochimaru actually did it.......he reanimated the past kage.

"It took a while to find all of their DNA , but once I finally was able to acquire the third Raikage's DNA , I knew I would be able to defeat you all" Orochimaru explained his troubles to the group with a cackle , it was jarring how a single laugh could sound so creepy.

          "I wish I didn't make the mistake of letting you live , all those years ago, I have paid for my sin in full for letting you live, now I shall make amends with them and kill you right here, right now, SUMMONING JUTSU!!!" Hiruzen said as but his finger and slammed it into the ground , letting the puff of smoke cover him.

"Jiraiya , Tsunade , please take care of Sensei and Lady Mito, young Minato , please don't hold back on my other sensei, I promise you he is stronger than you believe, and Kai, I trust that you can take care of the foreign kage?" Hiruzen ordered the others around since he had seniority as the cloud of smoke dissipated and a monkey came out, making them all nod and Kai to crack his knuckles and neck, he hasn't went full out since the third war, fighting The third Raikage and the fourth Kazekage would allow for a good workout for Kai.

          "Hiruzen? Wow, haven't summoned me in a while, what's the occasion?" The very Large armored monkey asked , Hiruzen just chuckled and pointed at Orochimaru and the past kage plus lady mito.

              The monkey growled at seeing the snake pedo "I see, you better finish the job this time Old man!" The Monkey said as it transformed into a giant metal Bo staff with golden cuffs at both ends of the staff.

            "Don't worry Enma, this is a regret that I will gladly make amends with" Hiruzen said as he caught the staff and twirled it around before putting it over his shoulder and getting into a stance.

"Oh will you now sensei?~, we will see about that, NOW SOUND FOUR!!!" Orochimaru screamed as the kage level nin saw four enemy shinobi with large knot tied at their waste , land diagonal from each other as they clapped their hands.

An aura of chakra came from each of them as a dome encompassed them all, trapping them in the process.

        The past Kage and mito opened their eyes and looked around them to see what was happening "Little Saru? Is that you? Wow my boy you've grown old, and TSUNA-CHAN!!! Look how big you've grown!!" Hashirama spoke with excitement as he stared at his old pupil and his granddaughter, even dead, he was glad to see his pupil and grandchild grow up to be leaders of the village.

           "Be quiet older brother, don't you see what is happening" Tobirama said as he scolded his older brother, making everyone wonder who the real older brother was.

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