1 month training part.3: training schedule

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       "Kai, how is it that your student knows sage mode, not just any sage mode, dragon sage mode , please tell us, we would very much like to know." the dragon king said in a curious tone completely different from what Kai thought his time was going to be like.

       "Actually, I don't know myself either , this is the first time Naruto has ever shown something like that, even after all I've taught him, this is something that he learned himself." Kai explained to the Dragon King and Queen, who looked at Naruto with looks of shock and disbelief, getting taught sage mode is one thing , but learning it yourself is another.
         "Well, we should better go inside now, I think both of them deserve a well deserved rest" said the dragon queen making Kai nod as he picked up Naruto and walked along the dragons to inside the castle.


Pain, that's all Naruto felt , his body felt like a boulder had hit him going a hundred miles per hour, feeling like death itself had a grip on him and a heavy weight was on his abdomen and chest.

Deciding to go against his body and open his eyes, he looked up onto an unfamiliar ceiling, with very fancy design that made it look like a dragon was flying amongst the stars, white marble shaped it all with the only thing colored was giant black dragon.

Confused, he tried to get up but there seemed to be a weight on his chest, confused he looked down , only to see a mini black dragon the size of his chest and stomach, sleeping soundly.

         This confused him even more because he didn't know why there was a dragon on his chest sleeping , was he a pillow or something? He was pretty sure he was human the last time he checked.

Ignoring the small dragon for now, He turned his head to the side and saw his sensei next to the bed, with his head down and arms crossed , sleeping soundly as if he hadn't slept in ages, with his legs stretched out onto the bed.

The weird part about all this was not that his sensei was sleeping or even the dragon on his chest, the weird part is that his sensei was ten feet away from him , he turned to the other side and saw that the other side of the bed was the same length, he then looked forward and saw that the length of the bed was the same as the width....who the hell sleeps on this bed?!?!

"Sensei.....?" Naruto asked for Kai with a hoarse voice that sounded as if he scraped it with knives and put through a blender, it hurt if Naruto was being honest but Naruto's confusion was winning.

Kai didn't even flinch, still in deep sleep, as if saying he wanted to sleep, Naruto groaned and kept calling out to him, even the dragon was asleep through him calling out his sensei.

Groaning that his sensei wasn't waking up, Naruto somehow found the strength in him to grab the dragon on him, and launch him at Kai with impeccable accuracy, if Naruto had to say so himself.

As the little dragon hit Kai in the face , they were both knocked back on the chair and fell to the ground with a thud as Naruto laughed at his sensei's misfortune, even if it was Naruto's own doing.

Kai sprung up with the dragon latching onto his face for dear life scaring Naruto "NARUTO!!! YOU'RE UP!!!" He exclaimed with a happy smile because his student finally woke up.

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