Princess of Kindness

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Chapter 6:

Princess of Kindness

It was the third time this month he came. He did not lie when he said he would come more often. And I was living it all. I guess this makes up for the last year of not seeing at all! I was very lonely and had to deal with Miza bickering and bluntness. And then when he finally did came I was so surprised by him coming and his appearance that I dropped the frozen bubble that took forever to make. But it was worth it.

I did not know what, but he was captivating me. I mean what Miza was muttering as kinda true.... But I would never say any of those words. I always had a thing for older male merlings, and icicles he just made it even more true. I think? I do not know, but Miza was being so annoying. But for some reason whenever he or I said we were friends I felt a little sad. I could not understand why. He was leaving for the third time when I put out my hand and waved.

He tried to wave back, but then suddenly I knew a jolt of pain flew upward in his arm. Oh no he is hurting again. What did happened to his shoulder or arm? It is always covered and if anyone touches it the littlest, he groans in pain. I frown. I need to find out why. I think it has to do with his parents and their strictness. Wait maybe they forced him to fight. When he left through the shells I waved slowly and just hoped he would come again very...very....very soon.

"Ahhh!" Miza sighed. "Well that was lovely."

"Mhmmm." I nod.

"Did she just say 'Mhmmm' and not pay attention to me?! GYAH! My world is ending. Someone poisoned the lovely princess. Oh Kaisa, Your Highness... I, Miza will save you if it is the last thing I do." Oh no. He being dramatic. I am just in a small detective mode. What is eating Zen?... Wait no, what is eating Zen's arm?

Is it the cloth around his shoulder or armor that pierces through his skin. How about the creepy crawly amoebas that dance through air? Maybe the way he swims pains him too much to the gill? Does he have a red gilled-idis or the disease of red scales otocis? Never forget fighting will make him hurt as well. Who is he fighting? It cannot be a merphan elder of the council.

Never would he dare to disrespect one of them. Is it a trainer or trainee? His parents cares for his best more than anything. But his fear comes from them finding out things like his smallest mistakes.

I shook my head and went to my room.

Oh Zen, I sighed. I want to help, I do. He just needs to let me in. I lay in a seaweed bed and closed my eyes. I was about to fall asleep when somebody's lovely voice spoke up.

"Well look at you little ice flower. Honestly if you want him to notice you... You gotta do something noticeable. Like print 'I like fine mermaid prince fins' on your face. That do the trick. If I was good at printing, I would of done that when I first met him. Did you see his tail? It like a round soap bar that you want to rub yourself all over. And his drop gorgeous tail, ahhh! If you do not get him in 4-000 meris I will throw him on the wall and do some manly business with him myself." What? Him and.... No!
He is mine. Wait what?

"Do not dare!" I jumped up feeling every possible thing in the room drop thirty degrees.

"Whooo, it's gettin' kinda chilly." Miza whistled. "Did you cause it to get cold out of anger? Well isn't that cute, snowflake. Come on everyone knows your mermaid magic specialize in coldness and freezing things, but look at you as happy as a pearl."

"Do not bother Zen....Please." I whimpered.

Miza laughed as he circled me. "I was hoping what I said will make you realize. Of course what I said was true, but I would never do that to you, Your Highness." Phew.

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