Prince of Realization

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Chapter 29:
Prince of Realization

A voice gasped and suddenly exclaim with joy, "Look he is awake this fine day!  Everyone shout yay!  The prince has woken up today!" I blinked an looked around.  I was in a council section headquarters.

"Elvander, shut up..." I muttered.  Elvander was this blonde mermaid that was under this section along with Latisha.  This section was better than most, and it was more accepting of other opinions.

"Yeah, nobody likes your rhyming jam!" Latisha glared, "He has been doing this since they found you.  Which is extremely lucky for you.  The spirits could of killed you." Latisha kindly stated.

Oh, so that did happen?

I thought that was just a sick dream.

"Yeah the spirits came.  For you they aim!  But to them is was just a game!" Elvander clapped his hands together, making us all sigh again.

"Van, knock it off!  Seriously." I muttered.  I was tired and did not want to deal with his annoyance.

"But they attacked Kimoshei and..." Kimoshei?  I gasped and widen my eyes.

"My sister!" I suddenly thought of.  "Is she fine?"

"Yeah, yeah!" Elvander nodded his head, "She is fine, yes.  Protecting herself; she the best.  With Azurine; guarded is the quest." Latisha sighed at his words as I just groaned.

Pushing him out of the way, Latisha answered me. "The council decided for many of us to go on land.  But they wanted you to be part of the team that goes on land making sure the royal ones are fine."

"H-huh...?" I shrieked and felt my hair stick up, "You mean with those dreaded-"

"Yes, on land." Elvander interrupted, grinning in his sing-song words, "In the warm sand. They decided that was the plan."

"They are planning to have most of your kingdom along with the crown ones or ones that will be crowned to be on land." Latisha explained, "They want us to blend in."

Blend in?

Ugh that makes me sick.

"Come on, it might be fun." Latisha tried to lighten the mood.  She must of noticed my disgust.

"So fun. And we could even run.  And we could act like humanics are dumb."

I almost chuckled when he said that, but I felt numb.

"Can you smack him and put him out of his misery." I wanted to chuckle, to laugh.  But I had no emotion or feelings except sadness and anger.  Only Despair and Numb.

"Fine...But I am only doing it for my sister." I knew she was already there and I was going to find her.

I had to be with her.

"Yippeee!" Latisha jumped flying her arms around even smacking Elvander in the process.  "We all going to land do some things to help everyone!"

"For mermaids there no reason to welp.  We are going to help.  So prepare some nice kelp." Elvander grinned slinging his arms around Latisha and me.

"Okay...okay we should go already and do this...uh thing?" I offered, clearly not knowing how. They both stared at me dead in the eyes.

"Dude, you realize you gotta look humanic, right?" Latisha exclaimed, "The seas' sea!  They decided to combine their council magic and whoop them into a humanic looking one.  But you still merphan. 
         All magic and everything stays.  And when you touch water, any water..." She looked me in the eye, full of a serious expression, "Fishtails!  So let go to Lynzo, and come on!"

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