Prince of Sacrifices

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Chapter 25:
Prince of Sacrifices

I have nothing left.  Everything is gone.  I feel awful.  Everything that happened is all my fault.  I wonder what the council will think. 

They surely hate and imprison me for doing that.  But why do I care what the council thinks.  When I enter into my kingdom, of course voices question me as soon as I enter our home.

"Your Highness!"

"A-Are you okay, I heard what happened, Your Highness!"

"Your parents... What is the fate of them?"

"Why is the crystals' glow around our kingdom dim?"

"Will you be taking the place of your parents, Your Highness...or should I say Your Majesty?"

"I am glad you are alright, Your Highness.  I heard You were recovering from your injuries at a distant village."

"Is it true you swam off to elope with a ordinary civilian, but they broke your heart?"

"Have you decided on a desired, Your Highness?"

"Who says I was hurt," I laughed dryly.  "I can ensure everyone I am perfectly fine.  Please get a few members from the council that usually looks over our dear Kimoshei." I waved my hand to a servant answering.

Some of the things they come up with...

I mean how do they even think of those things?

And now I just pretend I am alright, I cannot show weakness... Especially now.

I do hope the members comes soon.

I chuckle to myself, this is the only time I care for that wretched group, because without them I cannot resume anything that my...I sighed.  Everyone is wrong. 

Everyone who told me otherwise.  It is all my fault, but their deaths will not go by without me doing anything.  I will avenge them.  I make sure all humanics pay.  And without the members, I cannot properly reclaim the title and wear my crown.

Everything was just how it it suppose to be.  I silently sobbed.

All except...

How could I be such a fool!  Why did I not research enough?!

I should of learned more about them.  But nothing that I saw or learned was ever talked about.

"Prince Mivozene..." Zuri approached me.  "What is going to happen now?  I actually never told your sister..." So she does not know.  

I shook my head and formed a serious expression on my face.

"I do what I am meant to do." I sighed, "You know, you should not ask stupid questions."

"O-of course, Y-your Highness!" Zuri immediately bowed in nervousness.

"And as for Mina, please never mention it to her.  She be happier this way." Azurine nodded as usual.

Even though, I mean no harm, she always ends up being nervous or fearful when I ask her something.

It is like she is hiding something.

"Your sister, you think she will be happier hmm....?" Azurine stated by the halls.

I raised my eyebrows at Mina's guardian, "Yes, for knowledge is painful.  Oblivion, you can live freely in a world you actually like.  But knowing knowledge and truth comes with a price.
          A price of this cruel and hurtful world and I do not want to bring her into a world like that...." I sighed and felt my hair with my own hand, "I just want her to live her childhood with freedom and everlasting peace at one's soul and mind."

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