Princess of Suspicion

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Chapter 9:
Princess of Suspicion

I looked as he left.  He just left.  He did not even spend any time with me.  He was too upset with what happened to his sister.  And then his arm injury was hurting him again!  It was so hard for me to watch him wince in pain. 

And again he dismissed it as if it was nothing.  I must find out why he is always hurt.  I must help him.  I need him to trust him.  I do not want him to be in pain anymore.  I sighed as Miza lead me away.

"Cheer up, Your Highness!  I am sure it be fine.  Don't worry, he will return and swoop you off your tail?  I guess that saying doesn't really match up in merphan."

I smiled sadly, "Yeah guess it does.  Miza did you see him?  How his shoulder was hurting him.  I could not imagine him taking out both of those merphans who tried to attack his sister.  It probably hurt him even more."

"Princess, you need to be patient with him.  I know you have some undying sweet desire for his fine body, but you must allow him to tell you." I was too tired and a bit upset to argue with him.

"And he speaks so ill of his parents...I could never.  I wonder what they did to deserve that?  Unless he just upset about this entire thing that happened today." I was swimming back and forth almost ranting about it all.

"I think there is buildup from overtime..." Miza trailed off.
Buildup huh? I thought in my head.

"I wonder...."

"I wonder if you realized how much you care for him?" I sighed and shook my head. Miza is a unique mermaid.

"He never look at me the same way again." I twirled a strand of hair through my fingers, sighing.

"Again?" Miza eyes gleamed and it seemed as if he was smiling.  "He already has been looking at you that way?  So I was right and my perfect kingdom ship has sailed!" He shouted dramatically, but I just shook my head.

"Oh shut up Miza!  I mean if I say something." Oh I could never.

"Sure he won't.  He is not that heartless." But I shook my head refusing to believe his words.  How could he?  Does Miza know what he thinks of me?

"Oh please... I am just a child to him." I put my fin and waved his response away.

"But did you see him after he saw you several months back?" Again with the humanic language I do not understand.

  "He was just dumbstruck.  Especially when he looked at you.  I mean you did look nicely too.  But it was as if he saw you more than a friend." I mean that was true, but....
No!  I refuse to believe he could ever see me more than a friend.

"He has gotten more masculine and beautiful." I sighed, he really is something.

"I don't think you should call him beautiful...Well not to his face."  Why?  He is beautiful.

"But he is.  Just by looking at him..." I sighed and looked down.

"He is a fine piece of meat, I know!" Miza raised his arms wide above his head.  "It is hard not to grab him and doing it against the wall, but such a shame he can go around looking like that."

"Jeez stop calling him that!  I mean yeah it is true....But stop saying that!"  I felt heat rush to my cheeks.  

"Ah! You are blushing!  How adorable.  I hope it sails..." He exclaimed doing flips.

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