Princess of Distraught

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Chapter 24:
Princess of Distraught

It is Day 5...

He is missing.

No signal or anything indicating he is safe and made it back alright.  My scales cannot take this.  Where is he?  I cannot do anything without suddenly thinking of him and worrying.

He will be alright, Miza said that he would back out if it is too much.

But Miza does not know his reason for doing it, nor does he know what he is doing.  Zen as much as it hard to face, I think...

He do anything for me.

"What?  A-are you sure, Your Grace?" I heard my mother gasped somewhere nearby.  Did something happen?  I was still in my room and left only nigh during the late hours of darkness.

"Yes, we always know when it happens to anyone with any regard to the crown.  We just need to find out where they were last.  And how did it happen." I heard another voice.  It was a messenger from the council.

"Oh my...I...I need to to prepare for this.  Dead.  She..dead.  Wow...I..I really do not know what to say.  What about my former..." My mother seem to be on the verge of crying.

"They shared the same fate, Your Highness.  I am sorry this happened.  We find out what caused this.  It is rare for mermaids to die, but there only few ways they can.

 Murder, attacks, battles, and by humanics.  There is also the desired disease that can kill us as well,  but it is rare and it never happens unless someone had an affair with their relationship.

  I reckon it is probably either attack or humanic murder." I heard Mother crying.  Who died?  A feminine and a masculine, most likely a desired couple...I think.

"Mother," I finally go out of my room that I barely left. "What happened..?"

"Oh Kaisa!  I... I did not see you.  Are you alright?"  She was asking if I am alright and she was the one who was crying?  The irony.

"Umm who died?" Mother just smiled that queen smile of hers and shook it off.  She always quiet to merphans except me, Father, and the pacific royals.  I heard she was raised that way.  To be proper or something.

"Nobody dear, please do not worry about it.  And I need you to be strong for me.. for others." Who was it?  It must of been someone close.  I know they had a friend that lives in the Indiana now.  Could it be someone there?

"Your Majesty!  Your Majesty!  Come quick!  This is bad!" Miza rushed in urgently along with several others.  They all came to Mother with frightning and worried expressions.

"What is it?" She looked at their frightful faces and wondered.  One of them whispered something that made mother gasp answering her question.

"!... Kaisa, stay there." Hm?  Why?  I want to know what happened too.

"What?  But I want to come too!  Please...?" I smiled and pleaded with her.

The Queen sighed, "It is their son...your friend, ..vozen" What?  I gasped.  What?  Nonono.  This cannot be happening!

"What happened?" I demanded, "I need to be there and help!  Is he hurt or he okay right?  Tell me he is alive!  Mother please!  Where is he and how did he get her?  Oh I should of stopped him..."
         I gasped with many dreadful thoughts consuming me, "This is all my fault I...Where is he?  I need to see him!  Let me heal him and I..Please help him.
        He has to be fine..How bad is it and is he hurt where he be unstable or what ...I!"  I said frantically swimming back in forth.

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