Princess of Seaweed

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Chapter 12:
Princess of Seaweed

I was tuning in to the Shellevision when I saw that Zen was a guest on.  Oh wow!

"I do anything for her, I love my sister.... There is no one else as equally important.....No one could ever replace her ever.  Mina the only one there is."

Only one there is?

Am I not important to Zen?  I thought.... Sadness begins to overwhelm me.

"What about you and desires?  Any mermaid that is desirable to you.... Nobody actually seen you with or...So tell me do you have anyone in mind?" The host turned to Zen and asked a question I always wondered, but never got a direct answer from him.

I was hoping to know the answer of that to.  He usually says he is not interested, but is that the truth?  And maybe I could find out who I have to compete against.

"You are seriously asking me this?....Listen about desires and everything that comes with it, I do not really think about that. I prefer worrying about important things, like Kimoshei's kingdom and knowing everything when I wear the crown.
         You could name it affairs, allies, responsibilities, studies, my sister, the civilians, and lawbreakers...Maybe when I am older, besides that information is private and is not to be announced..."

Again he dismisses it, but this time he never said a thing about not liking the idea.

Has he changed his mind?

Just then it shut off.  I looked over to see Miza, "Why watch this when you can see him in person?" My eyes widened.  He was coming?  Now?  Today?

"Really?  Today!  You must help me." I jumped around swimming in loops.

"Of course, Your Highness.  I know what he be after."

"I been thinking..." I trailed off as he put my hair in which he called a 'bun'. "He does not even care about me." I sighed.

"Now what made you think that?  If it is that interview, ignore it.  He obviously was telling people what he wants people to know.

"So he does not want to tell people about me..."

"You and him being....." He trailed off until he thought of the right word.  "close is not known to everyone.  Now why would he say something then and there and cause rumors to spread like a wild whirlpool on the loose."

"Or a sea gobblin?"

"Even a sea gobblin.  Now princess we got to make you look perfect for him.  I'll make him fancy you if he doesn't already.  I swear on the great Atlantic, his fineness eyes are always on you." I  smiled at his choice of words. 

I felt him place a pre-crystallized flower in my hair, at the same time, tossing me a white corset with pretty designs.

"Wow!" I gleamed at myself through my reflection from a bubble.  "Okay now shoo!  I am going to be at the library."  Zen always claim he went there to research, but only half the time he is doing that. 

Most the time it is because the place is quiet and we can be with the other....Or I just tell myself that.  I have no idea why it is always that

Just then I saw him enter and go straight to a scroll and not even give me a look.  He did not even stop to see if anyone else was there.

Just studying.

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