Princess of Impatience

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Chapter 26:
Princess of Impatience!
It been 327 meris!

327 meris since I last saw him....

327 meris since his parents died... 

327 meris since I sent him the first bubble message... 

327 meris since the shellpaper came out with the stories of his parents along with interviews on him.

I remember it perfectly on the interview.  They claimed it was an accident and not the humanics like what Zen told me.  Why are they trying to hide it?

At first I waited for a reply, I thought he needed space.  And that is what I gave him.  But then after waiting awhile, I sent another....and another...and another...and another.  I know it worked, I had a feeling.  

I could feel it.  He saw it.  I believed it.

Ugh, I sighed.

Why would he want to see me?

Talk to me even?

I am just me...

Who would care about me?

I cannot even do anything right.  Not like him or any other crowned one.  Icy seas, I really do not even want to be Queen or wear this crown for that matter.  All I am is cold and ice.  I know I am not anything special. 

I cannot even access my spirit form.  Zen's form is serpents, his sister's form is dolphins.  Information filled through his mind that took him only few meris to educate himself.  I could never access to it all as fast as he did.  He knows about everything there is to know.  And me...


So it makes sense why he would not want me or to see or to even contact me.

"Mizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzza!" I shouted in a hope that he would come and tell me what has happened.

And immediately, there Miza was; speeding down the hall.  "Your...HIGHNESS?!!" He lifted his right arm up and posed like someone from a mer-theater performance.  "You called for me?"  I could not help, but smile a little.  

Although, soon my reason for calling him came back, and the smile faded away.

"What is going on?  M..Zen what has happened?  Why has he not visit or say anything to me?  I waited and waited.  I thought he just needed time for what has happened, but I feel like something is wrong.  Definitely wrong.  He never said anything all this time.  He never spoke or came to visit. 
          I told him to....I told him, but he.... He never once!  Why?!  Is he trying to avoid  I even sent him some messages, I felt that he saw and received them.  But never did he sent another back.  What is going on with him?" I poured my feelings out.  How I was upset and my emotions that felt a little more numb than usual.

           I was feeling more sadness and anger than anything.  Joy and happiness seemed to disperse forever.  Tears dissolved in the sea and I let my head fell down on my tail, sobbing quietly.

"Kaisa...princess," I heard Miza sigh.  "You knew Zen, I knew him... We both did.  But would he really purposely avoid you or anything?  Maybe he is just busy.  I mean a lot happened.  And he feels regret of hating and avoiding one throughout their life.  And now they are gone.  His parents, that what he felt."

"Zen was right.." I suddenly said my thoughts out loud, "We are way different.  I never wanted any of this and I care about my parents deeply.  And he, he wanted everything and had been brought up tough and harshly."

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