Princess of Compassion

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Chapter 18:

Princess of Compassion

I starred at him longingly as he left.  That council...ruining this time.  I still wanted to talk to him and tell him everything.  I just wanted to lay my head against him while putting my arms on him.
Was that wrong?

Even if it was...I did not care.

Before long, there was none in sight and it was just me.  I thought of how he kissed me and I touched my lips.   I thought about everything that happened between us.  It made me fill giddily inside. 

It was only me here so I left the empty room that Zen was previously in.  In the main room there was many of the mermaids, including my parents and Miza.  I was looking down constantly twisting my hair.  It did not get by Miza either.

At once he came over to me and poked me saying, "What happened to you?" I blinked before quickly shaking my head.

"W-what d-do you mean?  I was ju-"

"You!" He pointed his finger straight at my corset, interrupting me.  "Why you look like that?"

"Well....When I was blessed I was given icy hair like how many Atlanticans or Rivalkai merphans have a similar color hair and tha-"

"No!  No!" Miza shook his head and waving his hands.  "You know what I mean...What with that face that you have a secret and you are saying nothing.  Why...Why...." I sheepishly grinned.  I cannot tell him.

"Well that is because I umm cannot say and I umm-" Suddenly he burst into pits of laughter.

"Pffff...Hahahaha!  Oh I am just messing with you!" He laughed some more.  "Oh princess you should of seen your face.  You looked so scared and tense.  It was as if you were actually hiding something." You do not say....

"Y-yeah...Hahah...ha...ha...ha?" I laughed sheepishly and felt like I should of told him.  After everything he done to help me...But I did not and could not.  I could never break my promise to Zen.

"Now that I think about it....You do look little nervous....w.....if.......y....h....e...o"

"Oh!  Yeah...I guess I do." I whispered, but my thoughts were all jumbled and his words went through my head without me processing them.

"You know, you seem to think there is good in everyone and think well of anyone.  But I should warn you....There is one you should not trust." I turned my body towards Miza.  Why was he saying this?

"Eh?  Who?"

Miza smiled sadly, "The council.  If they found out about who I am, they will banish me to the isle or kill me.  The council doesn't understand anything. 
        You cannot trust them.  They are selfish and want everything for themselves to be found." My eyes widened, k-kill Miza?  Just because he is different..  Just cause his mother is of the land?

"Then why...I uh-I...I thought they cared?" I only whispered softly.

"Pretend?  Fake?  They also choose who they prefer to be in their meetings.  They don't deem our country one that should listen and be in those meetings.  They deem other kingdoms like Kimoshei and Fentalia, or even Levantia...I saw one of the princes head in that direction."

Miza spat bitterly.  To me it was as if he knew about something and was warning me about them in preparation for choices I might make.

"So just those three kingdoms were allowed...That not fair." I frowned crossing my arms.  "What are they talking about that has to be so secretive?  Do they only trust their advice?"

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