Prince of Mistakes

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Chapter 15
Prince of Mistakes

I am pathetic.


I am avoiding my parents because I know they are devastated.  Where was I?  Well I know, but they do not need to figure that out.

Here goes nothing...

"Hey...Mom have you seen Mina?"

"She is right there, stultus!" Ahh, right.  She is next to my mother.

"Mivozene..." My father meets my gaze which was not a friendly look.

"What did I do now?..." I quickly changed the subject, looking at my sister.  "Oh look Mina!  There you are, I want to-"

"Mivozene, come with me.  Now!" I put my hands up and muttered ancient cult sayings.

"I am coming, I am." I raised my fins.  Sometimes wished I could just have Isa's parents...

They probably did not even care she disappeared for a bit.

"Mivozene." He finally said.  We were out of sight and in some place in this council gathering.  "Where did you go?  Someone could of noticed you left."

"Left?" I played dumb.  "What do you mean, I been in the Atlantic this entire time."

"Then where were you?"

"With....I....The princess of Rivalkai." I pursed my lips, shrugging.

"You...And her together?" The king was surprised, but still he raised his eyebrows with the daring question that is yet to escape from his lips.  "When are you going to announce it?  Or most promptly to her..

"Father..Your Majesty.. I do not-" I frowned uncomfortably.

"Do not what?  You are friends, no?  It is perfect."

"I do not wish for desires.  I do not believe in them along with their methods, father." I lowered my head as the truth finally came out, was spoken.

My father eyes narrowed as his slits staggered, "You...What!"

"I am not going to repeat it.  I am sure you heard me the first time," I say calmly.  How was I so calm, I did not know.

"!  You cannot!  You know what this will do to me, our kingdom-your kingdom?"

"And why must I be desired?  I give an heir if that what you are afraid of, but I told you I never want to.  They change merphans.  I seen what they do to them and it never pretty.  Not me, not ever." Father's eyes turned aggressive and the atmosphere just darkened.

Seaness, have mercy on my soul.

The waters became cold-way colder than the usual freezing calmness.  It was foreshadowing what yet is to happen.  Ice was forming on the sides of the wet rocky parts of the cave. 

The grassy green moss who sleeps on the rocks shivers from the ice that grows in delicate delight. Shivers flew in the mist of all of it, but I knew what was going to happen.  Anger, not caring, not loving, and not understanding.  How cruel it was, but it was normal and it is life.

"You." Argh.  "Prince." Ugh. "Mivozene." Erghm. "Will." Gahrm. "Become." Erk. "Desired." Mymph.  "To." Urfh. "One." Uykgh.

The Atlantic Legend ~ Part 1 Childhood DaysWhere stories live. Discover now