Princess of Ice hugs

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Chapter 16
Princess of Ice hugs

Waking up in a bed of rippling waves,
I think it cannot be the ending, but the mere beginning
Embracing me, with rays of light raves
Of hope that leads me, to you and this shining sea standing

The chiming bells of happiness
With ocean seas, shining so brightly,
To miracles of love, full of tenderness,
For you who I love tightly,

So together with only me, just kiss me, oh so softly?

I laughed thinking of that song mother and I always use to sing together.  Now I sing it.  Alone.  I lay surrounded by floating fish gazing at their princess.  Mother and Father are always busy.

  I mean sometimes they have time for me, but with the council over everyone's tails, they never have any time.  But I do not want to be selfish, so I stay in here with some hope Miza will not be annoying, or Zen might come.

Speaking of Zen he turned a new meris recently right?  13-000 was it?  I have to ask him about that.  I also am kinda curious and I want to try pronouncing his full name.  It starts with an M I think and ends with zen.  But I have not seen him in like several weeks. 

The last time I saw him was Izidra's trial....And that became awkward.  I almost spitted out I liked him.  I was trying to get him to say something or be closer, but then he dismissed it.  I wanted to...  How stupid of me, I sighed. 

And then he got so upset at me.  It was like he was possessive and concern.  Although I never admit it to him, I kinda liked it.  I suddenly had the urge to swim in loops and in circles thinking about it.

He liked me being young, having a childhood and not doing what he was doing?

How much do I not know about him?  I just hope his father does not come around again...He kinda scares me.  Mother always talked found of him.  He was a servant of hers.  Kinda like Miza is my servant. 

And father always protected her as she became a full fledged.  Its been said my mother was friends with Zen's mother growing up.  They were visiting each other and that is how his mother met her future desired.

And my mother and father had their own mermaidtail.  I heard it so many times and each time it is so wonderful.  That is what gets me...sappy little tales like this.

Sappy tales like this....Makes me kinda want my own.  It does not have to be anything special just one that make me feel a little good inside.  For a long time I felt nothing and did just because it was the right thing to do.  The proper thing, but then I started being my own person. 

Messing around, living a childhood life, getting in trouble, and actually having some kind of friend.  As much as I would hate to be friend zoned by Zen, I still like it that way.  Friends come before anything and if anything happens I know he still always be my friend....

Because as much as everything hurts they will not go the way you want them to they always be there for you and never betray your trust.

Just then I heard voices...But not just any voices, pacifican voices.  Except they were not alone.  The council of mermaids came along, and now I am afraid they are having some long meeting.  What if I cannot speak to him at all this time?  What if....Nonsense, I thought.  I will wait.

And wait...

And I be waiting....

And I shall wait....

It been awhile.  Too long, but I was outside my quarters laying against the moss filled rocked-wall.  I could hear they were still here.  Was I being creepy?  I was only waiting.  I had to talk and be with him. 

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