Prince of Midnight Meetups

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Chapter 21:

Prince of Midnight Meetups

There are times when I think to myself late in the night, what is the meaning of all of this?  Why should I keep going to please wishes of ones who probably could care less about me?  Look at everyone wanting to look good to please the council.  But does the council really care?

 Some just wait for the one moment, one second for you to mess up and then they can spread the news like wildfire.  If they really cared, they would keep  your mistakes to themselves, and they would try to help you overcome your weaknesses.  Not shove it in your faces, laugh about it with everyone else, and bank off the drama.

 There are many others like me.  I remember when the council members were discussing what to do with some of the royals, I could see it in their eyes... In their faces of how annoying the council members were.  They thought if they left, everyone else would harass them about that and it would be their mistake.

 And somehow I managed to play the cards correctly.  I took what was given to me and cherish the pain, which made them not view it as a mistake.

Alas, I swim through without anyone seeing.  To them it is like serpents swimming through.  I head to the library of our own and maybe this way, it be like I fell asleep studying late.

Two blinks, and darkness engulfed me.

"Y-your Highness!" I looked up at my surroundings of what seemed to be the study room?  Did I fall asleep or... Then the memories of yesterday came back to me.  Sweet times, but never sweet days when I feel like I just fell asleep.

"What is it you have to say?" I muttered not even looking at them.

"H-his Majesty requests your presence."  Ah, of course.  And because he wanted to do other things while he was waiting, he sent this lowly servant.

"Is that so?  Then why did he not tell me himself?"

"Well that is because....b-because, His Majesty is quite busy with His work.  Y-you are coming, right?  Your Highness, Y-you have to come!  I c-cannot go and tell him otherwise."  Did he have to send a stupid nervous one?

"It would greatly upset His Majesty, am I wrong?  If I did not come when he asked, it would certainly be thrilling.  If I took my sweet time, it surely make him furious." I grinned while the servant gasped in horror.

"Wait...." The servant trailed off with a puzzled expression.  "You must go!  Please Your Highness, His Majesty Himself told me how great and important this is that you must come.  He told of some important talk you both have, so I must beg you...Please come!"
          I shut my eyes.  How annoying.  And some stupid talk?  What now trying to change my mind about desires?  Well, that never happen!  He will not be the one to.  But Isa told me....Ugh never mind.  I will just go.

"All right, all right.  I am going.  Now leave!" I sighed.  Though, I am sure His Majesty will hear about my delay.

But that is fine with me.


"Your Highness..."
"Your Highness..."
"Your Highness..."
"Oh Your Highness, you look stunning today."
"I am sure your desired will look as stunning if not more."
"Please Your Highness, I offer everything and let me be Yours, truly."

That is what each merphan I passed on my way to Father and Mother's chambers would say.  The merphan would be stuck in a bow until I nodded and moved on.  It was a stupid rule.  I wish it would be that they can now and then lift up once I passed or allowed them to so.

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