Prince of Strikes

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Chapter 19:
Prince of Strikes

"Any ideas?"

A few of us raised our fins.  We were at this long Aserivan council meeting.  The council had summoned us, but I was especially annoyed.  We been talking about this problem for what seemed like a long time.  Humanics been going into the seas, the deeper parts of them and finding mermaids. 
          There also been cases of mermaids disappearing, and the only thing that they can link up to the disappearances is the humanics who happened to be nearby on that same day.

          Not only that, but it turns out these humanics could be the few related to the ones that are filled with greed.  They are looking for us.  They are trying to find us.  And that is the problem the council face.

The only thing, the council suggest we temporally go to the shore, the land and pretend to be humanics.  Terrible idea.  Terrible idea that many will not accept.

I been thinking about this a lot.  And finally I have come up with an excellent plan or idea.  Our fins may get a little bloody, but that kinda works for me.

"I have a few ideas that will work, if you allow me to speak." The council nodded.  "First if humanics and how ever they go to the sea is near, we get the ocean to move them to the land.  We move the sea and use the current pushing them back to land or to another land piece."
           I placed my fins together and turned towards the other council members.  "The second is if they are in the water and there are no ways to go up.  We can make them unable to go back where they came from, and drown.  We can also drown them if they see any of us or our secrets.
         We can kill them, using our magic, and also fight back.  These are my ideas and at least one of them will work for different situations.  You be a fool, to not do this."

"Hey, the non-fledgling prince is actually smart..." One of the royal choosers made a comment.  I had to dare myself to keep calm.

"I disagree." Many of the others gaped at the voice that said it.  Why?  Is he dumb?

"Are you...serious, kind dear sir?" Kind dear...he nothing but a-

"It will fail.  If we fight with them we could cause destruction and risk merphans' lives." He  folded his arms while speaking extra calm.
        "More mermaids will go missing, and if suddenly every land being start disappearing then they will be curious and search the seas.  They might even find us and more of us will disappear."

"Well we coul-"

"And how do you suppose we use the ocean currents and that will work?" He interrupted me,  "Those land ones will surely go and question why the waters are being like that.  What if someone records?  In conclusion, I say it will fail and we should not do that."

We all stared at them as if they were dumb.  "What?"  I mean they were dumb.

"Listen, I am sure that it will work if we do things properly.  And if you are scared so much that something will happen that endangers us more, then you must allow me to do those things." But the council members were persistent and shook their head.

"And cause harm to you?  Oh we would never dare to see that happen." I sighed internally.

"Well I and many others are not going to the land of those selfish, greedy humanics, so no thank you." I shot up and crossed my arms.  I knew this would be useless.  I knew they never understand or agree.  They never do.  I rather be out there.

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