Prince of Deceit

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Chapter 13:
Prince of Deceit

"Are you sure?" He repeated his question.

"Yes, definitely." I grinned, why would anyone doubt me?  "It was her, the missing, lost princess." Too bad, Izzi.  It is time for cleaning up loose strings. 

"In the outskirts of the kingdom.  She will most likely try to escape.  That is why you must pretend to be a stray mermaid than lure her in and do what you do with criminals."

"Alright.  We are in.  Thank you, Your Highness....Prince Mivozene of Pacific."

I shook my head, of course.

It is what I do, make myself look good.


How to be a cruel person twice in a day.  First Isa then Izzi.  I did not mean to do that to Isa... I was not paying attention and then there she was in front of me.  Before I knew it, I was leaning in and.... That is when I realized I could not do that. 

Not then, not there.  Well even if I wanted to...  No, I prefer not to think about that.  I told myself I will not even fall and become desired.  I hope I did not hurt her too much, I saw how she looked at me afterwards.  Rejected.  

I wonder...

But no...She cannot

As for Izzi, I had to.  She was a loose string.  She knew I was going to eventually do it.  We both had something against the other.  And now I took a chance.

Suddenly the mermaid council's emergency announcement was heard. 

 "All royal crowned mermaids report to the southern kimoshei base to discuss the courting and capture of the runaway princess, Izidra."

Ah yes, mermaid royalty.  All of them must be present.  I had not been to one in years.  I will show the council how cruel, I can be.  After all His and Her Majesties want me to show myself as someone cruel.

Let the games begin.

I pulled my hair up and pinned it in place with two combs.  I placed my royal set on and had my golden bands on my wrists.  They represented Kimoshei, meris, and power. 

I then choose a light aqua corset for my sister.  She was going to shine, like the angel she is.  The one who means the most to me.  They can shun me and do whatever to me I would not care, but hurt her and they can die and suffer for all eternity.

"Mina.." She popped her head into my room at once.  I smiled for once, like I do only with her.

"Mivo?" She titled her head smiling.

"Mina...I have something for you.  We are also going to be going somewhere and this time it also requires your presence." I placed the corset in front of her and her eyes gleamed.

She clasped her hands together, "Really?  Out of Kimoshei's walls?  Oh wow."  I placed a necklace on her to guarantee her protection.  I could not have the events of her 9-000 meris happen again. 

I took one of my combs out and placed the comb of royal in her hair, instead of mine.  She looked perfect.

"Mina...  Stay with me when we go.  I do not want you wondering off." I really did not want her to be outside the walls, or outside the royal Kimoshei towers that we reside in.

"Of course, brother!" She chirped quite happily.  She seemed excited for this, too excited.  I turned to her and hand to hand we set off to leave.  And to ensure her safety better yet, I had Zuri come.

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