Princess of Secrets

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Chapter 20:
Princess of Secrets

"Wow...It is amazing!" I exclaimed clasping my palms together. I spun around in circles in just excitement. Everywhere I looked, it glowed. Gems and pearls of the sea seemed to lightened this cavern.

And I loved it. Fish also loved it. They swam around and played with each other. It was like a secret place that we only knew. Wait what am I thinking, we are the only ones that know. It is our secret place, mine and Zen's.

"Yeah, especially when the moon's glow is strong like tonight. You are 12-023 right?" I blinked and nodded. I would be scared for his stalkery, but then I know he just cared. The last moon which was before his sister identity was known to the public, was the time I became 12-000 meris.

"Yeah, you...remembered." I whispered. It was not that I was surprised. It was just ever since then I felt a relief been taken off my chest, and I might of gotten....
maybe a tinsley-bit of shyness that he knew all this time that I liked him and never said a thing! And then there is Miza the gecko.

"I did. I mean you remembered should be the same case for you." He brought his hand to my neck and softly felt it. He lifted my chin up and kissed me. His lips were sweet as the marine ocean and the salty pacific.

"Zen..." I whispered, "You said no one else knows of this place?"

He shrugged, "I honestly think we are one of the few that know. But I cannot say who actually knows."

"I like this." I suddenly whispered close to his ear.

"Huh?" He looked at me in wonder.

"Me, you.." I trailed off, "Meeting up like this and in secret. Maybe it feels more mysterious and exciting this way. But also you showing me these places not many know of. And that is what I like about it."

"Yeah, you are right, and I can be here with you and do whatever I want to you without any disruptions." I nodded, agreeing.

There been so many times whenever he was over and we would get interrupted. Either his parents would call him for whatever reason, or a servant would come and tell things to us.

"But that the good part about being in secret. You get to sneak around I guess." I smiled, secrets were so fun to be apart of.

"Maybe it is, but it does cause a few problems. I remember sometime a few weeks ago, Miza came in to announce I arrived and you seriously pushed me off your bed and covered me up with ice, corsets and other outwear." Zen just then started chuckling.

Why did he have to bring this up again?

He was laughing at what I did.

It was the first thing I thought of.

"Hey, it was the quickest thing!" I exclaimed, "I just heard his voice and I-" He put his palm on my shoulder.

"Isa," His voice close to my ear, calmed me at once, "I am just messing with you." Oh. I smiled and started laughing at my foolishness.

"The moon makes everything pretty." I swam upwards, letting go of Zen's fin.

"Isa wait! Be careful some humanics might...." He trailed off when he saw the moon. "You are absolutely right." He stared in awe at the moon. But humanics? Why would they be out here in the middle of nowhere?

"Why would humanics be here? I thought they drown if they go in water." But Zen shook his head.

"They do, but they also got these weird huge things so they can travel at sea." He moved his arms showing that they were massive.
"Also be careful if we are near the parting place that connects our world to their than they might see us."

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