Princess of Suffocation

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Chapter 30:
Princess of Suffocation

Why were we here?

Nobody told us anything....except to come.

The council wanted everyone to come to our meeting and discussion arena out near the borders of the Antarctic and the Atlantic ocean.

But nobody knew why, nobody except any of the members.

All around merphans looked and stared.  They whispered to themselves and it filled the room with a disturbing vibe.  Eerie feelings were felt throughout the place, and I could not help but wonder was something wrong.

"Miza.." I turned to my butler, "Something is giving off an eerie vibe.  It feels strange here." I whispered to him.

"Yeah, definitely." He agreed, nodding.  "I can tell and something isn't right.  I sense betrayal in these grounds." Betrayal?  Could that mean someone is going to-

"Attention mermaids and merphans.  Feminines and masculines!" An overly excited and enthused council member exclaimed. 
         "From hiding away from these awful spirits, most of you been doing well adapting to these lands..." I could not help, but feel as if they were mocking our kingdom when they said that.

Just because we stayed and were able to protect ourselves?

"For that we are proud of.  We are trying our best to get rid of them.  So fear not, we will have everything back under control.  It has been 318 meris since they been released, but we are handling things.  We are fighting and taking out the evil spirits." Cheering from the crowds were soon heard.

"Ah yes, much appreciation for sharing that Kono." Another mermaid took over speaking.  "Now we have these several members who been studying the lands and trying to not cause trouble even as much as they temptingly cannot stand the presence of"
        I had to hold in a chuckle.  That sounded too oddly specific of someone I used to know.

"Now now, do not be specific to single out the members under me." An auburn haired mermaid spoke up.  So I was right.

"Ah...Well does everyone remember rule # 49?" Rule 49? 

Which one was that?  I thought it was one of the humanic ones.

"Which humanic one is that one?" Miza begin to think for a moment before answering.

"Never thy shall save humanic whose in pits of despair from falling in deep waters.  Meaning mermaids are forbidden to save humans at the verge of drowning to their deaths." I stared at him after he said that.


Did someone break that rule?  Who?

I mean yeah they are dying, but still.  It nothing we can do and we do not even know them.

"Never when drowned thy mermaid shall saved those whose in deep waters be undone.
Never when drowned thy mermaid shall saved those whose in deep waters be undone.
Never when drowned thy mermaid shall saved those whose in deep waters be undone.
Never when drowned thy mermaid shall saved those whose in deep waters be undone.
Never when drowned thy mermaid shall saved those whose in deep waters be undone...."

They all chanted until more and more chanted the rule in an eerie and unsettling way.

And what happened next suffocated me.  The world has stopped.  And everything has fallen apart.  Everything emerged into chaos.  Destruction.  Deadliness.  Suffocation.

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