Princess of Distress

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Chapter 28:
Princess of Distress

I should of known something was wrong the moment today started.  I mean the past several meris have not been easy.  But with an ocean like mine acting so unusual especially near the place where it becomes the Pacific ocean, I should of known. 
          And the clamspaper did not help matters by announcing that Zen himself decided to give his crown to his sister and become a council member.

I could not believe it was true.  He hates the council and wanted to be the ruler of his kingdom for so long.  He always talked about it.  And he would never of done that.

I know him....

Well I thought I did.

Ever since, that happened to his parents he...he has been different.  And the council is probably making him too busy.  I am approx. 13-000 meris now.  He is at least 14-000 meris.

The waters were chilly.  The air was different.  Everything was giving me and everyone a sign as if to say, run.  I stayed with my parents inside and did not dare to go out at all. 
          Miza paced back in forth and I could tell the uneasiness made him nervous.  We could all feel it.  And it was during the late evening moon when it happened.

Suddenly everything stopped.  The ocean's flow became oddly dark.

"Everyone," A voice came from the emergency council speaker, "All royals go and cast your gemstones to form an outer-protective wall over your kingdoms!  They have returned," Fearful gasps were filled throughout the kingdom, "A spirit of those from a century ago!"

I looked at Mother and Father who suddenly looked worried.  "Miza take Kaisa to her room."

"Wait!" I called out before Miza could take me, "Will you both be alright?" I stared at both of them.  I could not let anything happen to them.

"Of course, love." Mother gently reassured me with a smile, "We have to protect everyone, and we want you safe here."

"We be back after we are finished.  It be alright, dear." Father put a hand on my shoulder and smiled. 

"Kaisa." And I went with Miza to my room.  I stared off at the window where I could see my parents' protective wall forming.  From the outside, a veil covered our kingdom, protecting it from the spirits.

"What do you think is going to happened?" I asked Miza.

"I.. I really do not know." Miza answers nervously, but filled with honest, "Although..."
        He trails off, frowning as he looked ahead at a certain direction, "I am worried, did you not see what direction it started from?"

"You mean that direction is the....No!" I shook my head in disbelief. "They are fine.  They have to be!" I exclaimed, trying to convince myself now.
       "The pacific kingdom and the merphans inside it must be alright!" I refuse to believe something terrible has happened to them.

"I hope so too.." He smiled trying to reassure me.

Just then I saw council members on the outside of the veil trying to keep the protective layer up with their magic strength as well.

"Attention, we have been informed the princess of Kimoshei is safe and been brought to safety away from the spirits.  Her brother who been injured from the spirits, is resting and is seemingly going to recover fine. 
          However, since it started somewhere in the pacific kingdom parts of their kingdom is in ruined and we recommend any pacific mermaid or merphan to go to the council meeting areas across the oceans.  We will help and find a plan to protect everyone soon enough."

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