Princess of Surprises

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Chapter 14:
Princess of Surprises

When I was young, I was told of rules and what happens if anyone dared to break them.  I also saw how merphans would rise up against each other just because they would look better.  This circumstance is different from any other. 

I was surprised when I was told with the rest of my family to come to the judging of Princess Izidra of Levantia.  But an even more surprise came when I found out Prince Zen himself sold her away by telling her location to the mermaid council.  I mean I guess it means he was not interested in her...But to do something like that?  A crime. 

It made me almost feel bad for being jealous of her.  And he got everyone against her, making her punishment so worse too.  Even his sister, his dear sister, seemed so upset about it.  He had to take her out.  I must have been worried so much that Miza left to see where they went.  But they have been gone awhile....

A while ago, Zen told me once.. "If I brought my sister here she would love it....You remind me of my sister, I am sure if you both met the other you would get along quite well."

I wonder if it is true.  I thought she was younger, but in fact she looks similar to my meris.  She is like a purple-haired and feminine version of Zen.  But would he mind being with someone who is similar meris to his sister?

Just then I saw Miza.  Were they back?

But Zen was not near.

Not caring, I swam up to Miza.  "Miza!  There you are.  I need to talk to you about..."  I trailed off when I noticed how sudden Zen and his sister appeared behind him.  Where did they come from?  A second ago, they were not even near.  And what I was going to say to Miza, I cannot say here.  "Oh...."

"Hello to you too, Isa." Zen nodded his head.

"How rude.  Why did she just say oh?  She should of bowed down and say hello wonderful prince Mivo of Kimoshei that will bless us all!" I blinked at the girl beside him.  She was glaring.  And he said we would get along.

"Yeah, Isa.  Why are you not?  Mina is right.  Call me that.  I think it suits me." Zen grinned, "Excellent prince of Kimoshei, no wait...Ace of them all... Beloved prince of Pacific." He started laughing.  How arrogant of him.

"That is stupid sounding.  Why should I?" I muttered bitterly.  He was being way too arrogant for my liking.

"What do you mean?  Why is she not treating you in fear like everyone else?" Fear?  Was he raised to be feared?  Another tactic I do not yet understand why.

"I am also one who wears a crown, like both of you!" I tried changing the subject.  Maybe this will make her see I am just like them and we could be friends.

"How?" She stares at me blankly.  I...

Did she just ask me how?  Well my parents were blessed with me and they are the rulers of the Rivalkai country in the Atlantic.

"Uhh what?" Zen was just there, swimming and looking amused.

"How are you one?  My brother and I are the only ones." I blinked as his younger sister asked that innocently.

"Rivalkai?  You know, in the Atlantic?  You know that, right?" She seemed to not know much about the stuff around, but that was not bad.  It made her less worried about things and still filled with life and joy.

Suddenly her face glowered, and she shook her head.  "That place..." The girl's face suddenly darkened.  "The merphans there always disagree with Mivo.  How displeasing...."

The Atlantic Legend ~ Part 1 Childhood DaysWhere stories live. Discover now