Prince of Deceitful

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Chapter 31:
Prince of Deceitful

"I do not understand..." Isa told me, "How could I forget you?   I could never.  What are you saying?" I held both of her arms and pressed my palm on the side of her neck.  

"I.. I have to go." I put my arms to the side.   "Try to get somewhere away from the spirits, alright? Goodbye....Kaisa." Then I pressed his lips to my forehead and left.

I had to talk to my sister.  She has been ignoring me.  She really is upset with me.

Thinks I am at fault, like I betrayed her.

But I keep questioning everything, like myself and did I actually do it?

I shook my head, where is she?

And then I saw her little violet haired self hiding from everyone with Azurine right besides her.  "Mina..." I spoke gently.

She turned her head away from me.  She was crying and her wounds looks bad.  Thankfully it was only on her arms.  "Why did you do it?"

"What?" I looked at my sister in shock, not believing she would say this.

"You heard me.  You promised you would not." She glared at me.

"But Mina, it was not me." I told her calmly

"Stop lying!" She suddenly yelled.  "They said it was you.  They said you told one of your council friends to let them know everything!  How could you?  Did you know how that felt?  You mean mermaid!"
         She yelled with her hands in fists.  Around her eyes were red like she was upset, but worse since one was magenta.

But I had no idea what she was talking about.

What friends?

"Mina, I have no clue what you are speaking of!" I yelled back in response, "I am upset what happened!  You think I wanted this to happen to you?  I want you to be okay.  We can go back and pretend this did not happen and forget about everything that made this happen..."

"But the scars are still there...  I saw you!" Mina yelled,  "I saw you to leave in the middle of it!  You just did not have time for me anymore.  How could you, Mivo!  Brother!" She glared and spat at me.

"Mina I.." I looked down, "I just could not watch you get hurt."

"You do not understand..." Yes, I do.  I thought.  I knew for years.  "How it felt.  How everyone looked at me with spite and hatred.  I cannot believe you!  How could you!  Mivo!  Mivo!  Mivo.... why!  Mivozene, you traitor!" She yelled at me, making an angry face,

"There one thing you have wrong, Mina.  I do not make friends with council members.  And why would you believe what they said over me?" I asked calmly, even though it was she who was upset and shouting.

"How could I know what you said is the truth even after what you did?  That is why!  You just like everyone you warned me about.  You say I should not trust council members... Well you are a council member yourself!  And I hate you!"
           She suddenly raged, "I never ever will trust you again!  Get away from me..." I stared at my sister as she said that.  And the thorn in the relationship grew making a drift between us. 
Nothing could ever be the same.

Not again.

Azurine looked at me sadly and only muttered, "I will watch her on the land we were at before she stayed with you, Your H..... I mean Mivozene."

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