Prince of Protectiveness

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Chapter 7:
Prince of Protectiveness

  My eyes widened.  I had to deal with all these merphans.  Dearest Queen and King hosted a celebration.  Mom and Father thought it be an excellent opportunity and hosted a celebration at our kingdom.  I mean I get to watch and spend time with my sister.  That was the best part.  She was dressed up nicely and helped by me.  My little sister is turning 9-000 today.  Mina's violet hair had a sea flower in it while she wore this pastel seafoam green gown. 

She was captivating everyone around her, and it angered me.  What if they took advantage of her and...  It made my brotherly protective instincts kick in.  I will be with her this entire part and if anyone dares to touch or do anything to her... They will go through me and then be exiled.  If anyone tries to I swear on the seas, I will protect her and make them leave at once.  They will go to the isle of Exile.

"Brother!" She laughed.  Oh how joyful.  Her laugh is like bubbles floating around.  How glamorous, indeed.  "Come dance with me!"

"Alright Mina, just never dance with any other.  We cannot trust any merphans that we do not know." Mina smiled and nodded.

"Mivo, when can I be like you and go through things you go through?" I blinked.  You do not little Mina, you do not.

"Oh...Uh... Not everything is good." I said truthfully.  She looked confused.

"Guess what mother gave me?" She hid her arms behind her back.

"Oooh what?" I whistled, trying to contain her excitement.

"You are suppose to guess." I blinked.  Ah right!  I would have guessed some item or toy that my sister now insanely loves, but now I am going to say something because I am her brother and it is my job to mess with her.

"A purple fish friend?" I blew a raspberry with my lips as I laughed at her frown that instantly appeared on her face.

"Purple?!  Purple?  I am not purple haired.  See this.." She points to her head.  "It is violet.  I know that.  Mom knows that and Father knows that, but you oh no." She waved her finger back in forth making a 'tsk-tsk' noise. "You my brother, Mivo do not at all." Oh the oceans where she get all this cheekiness from?  It is so cute, but hilarious.

"So what did you get?" I put my hands on her shoulders and started dancing with her.

"Mother gave me her pendant!" Her eyes shined brightly.  She showed me and my eyes widened.  Wow.  So that is the royal pendant made from the ancient crystals?

"That is amazing!" I was speaking truth.  It shined so brightly and she ooked even more spectacular.  "Father has not gave his to me yet...  But I know when I am full fledged mermaid he will give it to me."  He just thinks I am somehow behind when I am 3-000 meris ahead of my current meris.

"And watch this!" Suddenly a shape was forming in the water and I could see her controlling it.  Wow.  It was in the shape of some kind of merphan.  Dolphin I think.  It floated around her and swirled in a certain motion before becoming several tiny dolphins.

"Wow, how do you do that?" I had to know.  That is something I never done before.

"The pendant.  You know that helps give more magic and control the sea.  That was what mom said." So that is part of the pendant's power.  How amazing.

"You cannot control our sea." I sniffled a laughter.  "That for me to do."

She raised her eyebrows.  "Now?" She started controlling the water all around us.  But I wonder was it really the pendant enabling to do so, or is she finding more out about herself. 

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