Prince of Events

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Chapter 17:
Prince of Events

"One..two...three and......Cheers!" A loud voice calls out to all around us, "To all mermaids, thank you for join us!" We raised our fins that and shouted by clapping, swimming around, or just yelling utter nonsense.

It was another event.  All mermaids and merphans were here.  The crowned, the noble, and the regulars.  I saw them all swimming around making them and their families proud.  Everyone cares about that, huh?  I do just for the sake of making me look good, but do I really care about any of that anymore?

  The answer is no.  I really do not.  The only things I care about is not causing them trouble with the council.  So I still do this.  This fake game where I pretend I am alright, where I pretend everything is fine and we are just friends.  What lies.

  The only ones who I care for are Mina, Isa, one else.  Just them.  Maybe in a new world, in a new day I could, but in this day and age I doubt that would ever happen.

I was swimming endlessly.  I had my crown on, my hair was kept up by seaweed, and I looked different that I usually would.  And that was only because dear mother and father thought I should.  And I made it my personal mission to make sure everyone respect Mina. 

But wherever I went I saw Mina swim off.  And wherever I would go I would see many surround me at the worst possible times.  I could not understand why.  Why now when she is swimming off.  She is always exploring and since she is outside our kingdom's walls than she is more like this than usual.

"Your Highness.." Several mermaids went in front of me and blocked my view of my sister.  I tried to look around them, but it was useless.

"Kimoshei's prince, Mivozene!" Several of them echoed at once.  I closed my eyes in annoyance, but I never show any expression.  When I opened them I tried to look between them, but it was practically useless.  "Your Highness is it true that you choose a desires one, but will not say who?" What?

I could not pin who actually said that, but I still could not believe my ears.  Who made that up....Useless is it?  I mean I really do not care if merphans believe that.  Then council members will be off my tail on if I had or not.  Although, they just going to pressure me on who it is.

Just then I heard a scream.  A scream that was way too familiar.  No...I closed my eyes and muttered the words I could only think of, "Excuse me..." Erk why did I have to be so nice to them?  I pushed my way through the crowds of mermaids frolicking or just speaking with one another. 

Where did the scream come from?  Where is my sister?  She was nowhere to be seen.  Ugh.  Why is she always doing this to me? 

"One more move and you will regret everything at once."  A low eerie voice spoke somewhere nearby.  I looked every direction until I pinpointed it near the caverns. 

"Oh and why is that?" 

And then I realized it was not just my sister.

"You know what happens to mermaids like you...or are you ignorant and unaware?"

"We are not ignorant, you demoiselle...DAMSELFISH!" And then I heard a dangerous sound along with many paining groans.

I follow the voices and braced myself.  Sometimes you should never mess with the ones close to me or you will regret it eternally. 

Everyone knew that.  I finally arrived and saw my sister in despair.  I glared at the mermaids and prepared to let them face the consequences.

I did what I usually did to traitors....

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