Prince of Raving

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Chapter 8:
Prince of Raving

"I am suppose to be here, so here I am." I muttered dully.  I was going to show them that I did not care, but then again it was not their fault at all.  I did not want to be here.  I wanted to be with my sister.  I wanted to be with Mina and help her after what happened.  I just want to tell someone how terrible everything is and ask the world what is so wrong with me?
What did I do to the oceans to deserve this?  I sigh, banging my head on the coral walls.

"Oh...You are alone." The queen blinked in shock.  They were expecting my parents and decided I can just go.  We were both suppose to go.  What was the point of me just going?

"Apparently.  If there no one with me, I am.  Who knows in these oceans why I am here when I could be...Ahem.  I am here for no reason when they planned to come.  And because I am worried about my sister, they decided to stay back.  Now that just lovely.  What the point of me going them?  Ugh what a pain." I muttered.  Before she could answer in the corner of my eye I saw the silver pompous mermaid.

"Well look who is is..." A smooth voice says,  "My beautiful prince of Pacific!" Oh no, please not him.  Oh the ocean save me.  

"Why are you here?" I spat, before realizing that was a stupid question.

"I live here?" He looks at me and asks as if he is not sure of the answer.  "Do you not remember?"

"Oh how could I forget the moron is always going to be bothersome..." i exclaim with my words dripping with sarcasm.

"You forgot?" Isa poked her head in and began to lean against the columns.  "What did you loose you memory or something?" She joked. Isa..Isa, sweetheart..  This is not the time.

"More like her dignity forever that she could of lost..." I muttered to mainly myself, but they all heard it.

"What did you say because th-" Miza began to say, probably something inappropriate, but I put my arm fin in his face.

"Shut up. I swear I am going to have a migraine...By the great oceans I already rather be in my kingdom, but no for some reason I am here when after that happened and when I suggested we not go, but they decided to stay behind.... Those pure perfect merphans who make me want to treat them forcefully with such resentment!....I absolutely loath them right now!  Oh this abomination...Pff Stupid celebration, stupid invites...If I was not there she could of..." I ranted on and on swimming bath in forth.

"Calm down.  Nothing helps by just hating and raging on." I narrowed by eyes at the Queen who said this.

"Oh?  What do you know about me?  You do not know a thing...None of you!" I shook my head and glared at them even when Isa smiled at me sadly.
Was I being irrationalHot gilled?

"You are always hiding things, I mean it is no wonder we do not know everything about you." I froze when she said this.  "And then you are hiding every injury-" 

"Enough about that.  It is my...." I wince realizing the pain was getting worse.  I should of went with Izzi before, but no Mina mattered more.  I had to help her.

"Oh!" Miza shouted.  "Is my appearance shuttering you?  You did wince...  I mean it is a fact you are piece of.....YEOOOOOWRK!" Isa, the smart merphan hits him.

"I should of seen Izzi.." I groan.

"Izzi?!"  Isa eyebrows shot up.  She sounded surprised.

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